
Fake tan..for the exceptionally pale?

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Im really pale and hate it. I can't afford to get a st.tropez every week or spray tan. I used Johnsons for a while but it turned me yellow after about 6 weeks and didn't to take to my skin immediatly. I dont mind spending time applying it, i just want to have as little marks as possible. And im off on holiday soon and don't tan. Which is well..rather depressing really. Help please ?




  1. Jergans Natural Glow.  Use the lightest shade, you'll see a difference. Just make sure you rub it in evenly.

  2. find one thats not too dark as it wont suit you,really exfolliate your skin throughouly until its nice and smooth then follow the instructions to the letter.i bet you will look lovely and so much healthier looking without burning and putting yourself at risk of skin cancer.

  3. Don't try Jergins, it smells awful. I suggest not doing tanning salons because they lie and twist words around about how you NEED the sun's rays and that it'd be just as beneficial from a booth ( read in this month's Cosmo under Tanning Lies) and booths definitely increase the chances of getting skin cancer tremendously.

    What I've used -- and believe me I am usually so white if you literally draw white chalk on you can't see it -- for the past 2 months is Dove Energy Glow (a large bottle should last you a little longer) for Light to Medium skin. I've been outside a lot more than I can say I have ever been; so to build a natural tan go walking on a trail for an hour (with some SPF and you should get a nice base). This is how I used it, it may show different on how you do it. Anyway, put it on a couple hours after shaving to avoid razor burn and color coming off in the shower, and make sure that if it looks slightly shiny to rub it in anywhere. You don't need a TON. but you should be able to tell if it doesn't feel like there's leftover lotion in one spot, and your skin "glows" you've rubbed it in in the area nicely. I haven't had any problems besides reaching my back completely (you can't tell). I've never had an orange spot from the lotion, it doesn't smell bad, actually pretty nice... plus I don't usually wash my hands afterwards and I don't have orangey fingers. And I look as though I've got a pretty natural tan goin' on here.

    Make sure to put it on every other day or every couple of days if you feel it's looking too unnatural. And if there may be orange spots use a wash cloth and some mild soap (sometimes lemon juice works) to get it off.

  4. The best thing i have found to work for me is Jergens natural glow lotion. It darkens your skin gradually and has different formulas for light, medium, and darker skin tones. It is not perfect, i have had a small amount of orangey-ness around areas like elbows and knees, but that could probably be avoided with more careful application. Good luck. Also this is quite inexpensive.

  5. Try estee lauder sunless tan. Its really fantastic because it blends well and doesnt make you look orange. There is one for the face and one for the body so you can get a natural looking tan

  6. hi hun! i have really pale skin to and never ever tan, very sad. but good news pale is soooo in fashion at the mo! but i have the urge to get a quick tan now and again and i use dove moisturiser with tan in it to build a light tan, but im so pale that one go and im brown, well for me anyways, maybe that will work for you. But my friend is also very pale and she uses loreal sublime, it looks really great on her but when i used it it went all streaky. Dove is the best i have found, just make sure you exfoliate and wipe your hands and wrists, ankles knees etc with a baby wipe after applying, that may you wont get the tell tale marks, hope i helped x

  7. Cheap tanning salons i guess.

    Or when its sunny go outside and tan.

    I think pale is beautiful though.

    Im trying to get more pale.

  8. pale is in

    tanning is out and looks so obvious

    wear a hat you'll look fab in the sun on holiday

  9. being pale is so much better than putting fake tan on

    guys think its a wast of time and silly haha

    look at anna hathaway(not spelt right but she looks great)

    besides fake tan and knee high socks look tacky no offence

  10. There's nothing wrong with light skin, that what you have, ur not gonna be tan unless u wanna beat the h**l out of your skin an dpay for it in your 40's. As a guy i personally find girls with light skin more attractive then ones that look like mexicans with tans. Having light skin isnt like being obese where itll hurt you with guys. Guys care more about other physical attributes than skin tone usually. If they care about that that much then I say dont  go out with that type of guy cause he's not gonna stay with you anywase. I have light skin and never had a problem due to it. Just stay in good shape and you'll be set! Goodluck!

  11. High five! I'm so pale, I look dead. I use Dove Summer Glow, and it is really good. Get the pale one for a more natural tan with no streaks, or the dark one if you want an instant tan, but maybe with a few streaks. I agree, Johnstons makes you look like a zombie, but Dove made me go properly tan. yey!

    For a streak free tan:

    -The day before you apply fake tan, exfoiliate and moisturise, concentrating of the knees and wherever else you streak.

    -The next day, apply fake tan in the morning so it can work all day. With fake tan more is more. Sounds strange, but if you use more then you will streak less.

    - Note: showers gels and bath products can make it go Orange, so avoid fake tanning after the shower/bath.

    Pale is in, but im not pale, I am more purpley grey. Darn Scottish genes...

    Happy Tanning! :P

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