
Fake tan on me? Wadya think?

by  |  earlier

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was at a debutantes yesterday... decided not to wear any fake tan unlike all of my friends. did felt abit pale tho.

have another in a weeks time, im wearing another black dress. if i decide to wear tan il havto start workin onit soon so what do yee think?

stay pale n ginger? r bronzed?




  1. PLEASE Don't wear fake tan.

    You are SO gorgeous in those photos.

    I think that with hair of your intensity and with that FAB red lipstick you look stunning. Don't risk looking stupid. You make such an impact like you were in the photos and believe me you are stunning.

    If you feel a little pale try bronzing powder. It's much better and if it looks bad you can get it off really easily. Try it for a less important occasion because you look great with YOUR skin and not just a fake mask over yourself!!

    I have slightly tanned skin and some freckles and i really wish that i had beautiful flawless skin like yours.

    Please don't hide your beautiful natural look!

    Karen Elson (famous redhead) was on the cover of September Vogue looking pale and it was gorgeous.

    Lily cole has red hair and pale skin and although i don't think she's pretty i still love the combination!

    If you want help on what colours are good, etc, try this website....

    Hope this helps!

    Only one best answer - Pwetty Pwease........


  2. No you look fine.


  3. i like your cream skin, if you dont fake and bake you could stand out in a good way

  4. wow your b/f looks a lot older than you

    dont do the fake tan it looks silly

    edit - lol woops wrong b/f


  5. omg don't you DARE touch that fake tan

    you're absolutely stunning as you are :3

  6. i think that u r pretty when ur not tan!

  7. you look very pretty pale

  8. naaaaa, you have great skin that suits your color hair.  

  9. No no no don't go for the fake tan.You look beautiful pale.

  10. Hi i have red hair and have pale skin i tried fake tan and trust me it dont look good because of your hair colour it will look quite ugly the two colours just dont suite properly you look beautiful the way you are.

    Hope it helps a little



  11. Please no fake tan - pale and ginger looks great on you - elegant. If you must have tan at least have the Caribbean  holiday that goes with it!

    Have to say I love the look of your friend - on far right in group of three - is she taken?

  12. looks completly natural :)

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