
Fake tanning? Tips and advice?

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I'd like to try using fake tan.

Could you give me some tips? Is it better to exfoliate first? Should you shave your legs before applying fake tan or after? Which products are best to use? How to avoid it looking "fake"?

Any tips at all would be appreciated. :)




  1. don't do it.... it HORRIBLE for you... go sit in the sun

  2. get one with an instant bronzer so you can see where exactly your applying in and if its even. leave it on for 8 hours then you can shower. they usually last for about a week so i do mine weekly . exfoliating is soo important .. especially if you have tan on from the week before .. you need to make sure you scrub all of the old tan off otherwisee it goes patchy. and shave before you apply the tan as shaving after will dry your skin makingyour tan not last as long. moistureise daily as well . i prefer aerosol spray ones or if you cant get one mouse is good. :) im addicted to it.. it can look natural if you get a green based tan rather than an orange based tan. it mite take a few tries to find the right brand. good luck tanning.

  3. Exfoliate and shave first, but not right before as you could get irritation. Moisturise on dry areas like knees and elbows as it tends to grab on these bits. Actually it is very difficult to get one to look good and not too streaky but Johnsons Holiday skin is a good make as it builds up very gradually over a few days as you apply it so you shouldn't go too orangey!

  4. Hia!

    I've used fake tan before and i think it is great i use Johnson’s Holiday Skin Body Lotion you can find it in Boots at only £5.24!  Here it is

    Also i use Body Shop Body and Leg Shine at £11.50!  Here it is

    With the Johnson’s Holiday Skin - The night before i apply it i shave my legs first then exfoliate! Watch your knees when you apply it as if you put too much on your knees they will go darker than your legs. After youv'e had a shower make sure you dry well.


    With the Body Shop Leg and Shine - You don't have too shave the night before you can do it before you apply it!

    It is brill if you haven't got much time too get dress as it drys straight away. BUT it will be really dark when you put it on so i use a dry baby wipe and rub it on my legs after and i put it on because it lightens it up.

    Hope this helps and Good Luck!

    Jodie xx

  5. i love fake tan...i use a moisturising fake tan lotion, because its really easy to put on....if you shave your legs, they say wait until the day after to put on fake tan because your pores will be open and youll see it...but i always shave before i put on fake tan if im going out somewhere, but maybe if you have the option shave the day before...and yes exfoliating first is really good and will help it go on nice

  6. no one seems to be helping very well to be honest.

    All they seem to be saying is don't do it.

    All i can you have to be careful what products you use.

    The best i've ever used is the Johnson's daily moisturizer that gives you a gradual tan even after the first application.

    Give it a go, but make sure you wash your hands after applying or it gives you really bad orange hands because you apply the moisturizer with your hands.

    Any make sure you do it all over, you dont want streaks.

    This even includes your face!

    Hope it helps, :)

  7. u can try it but dont over do it .

    it will look horrible. so be carefull.

    good luck.

  8. ur gonna look orange!

    I would just get a tanning oil and lay in the sunshine dude!

  9. Do not shave your legs for several hours before applying sunless tanners. Some folks can get away with it, but if your skin is on the sensitive side, avoid it.

    Exfoliate while you shower or bathe with a soft cotton washcloth. Nylon or loofah scrubbers can cause a streaky effect.

    If you are new to sunless tanning products, don't use sprays. They are difficult to apply evenly. What helps: spray the stuff onto your sponge paintbrush and apply it that way.

    Wash your hands at least every five minutes while applying. Use a soapy nailbrush to scrub palms, fingers, and fingernails.

    Your freckles and moles will darken along with the rest of your skin. In fact, some colorless moles may become significantly darker. This is a sad fact of sunless tanning.

    Your belly button could darken too much. Rub it with a cotton swab dipped in lotion after you apply the sunless tanning lotion. If you notice it is too dark the next day, rub it with a cotton swab dipped in liquid eye make up remover.

    After your sunless tan has developed [it will take at least three hours], hydrogen peroxide can be used to lighten dark spots on your palms if you make a mistake. Apply the hydrogen peroxide with a Q-Tip or cotton ball, and be sure to rinse the hydrogen peroxide off your skin afterwards. You have to be very careful because a drop anywhere else will leave a spot! If the "mistake" was a small one, you will be better off ignoring it. And note that it isn't foolproof — the hydrogen peroxide may have no effect whatsoever. concentrate on preventing orange palms, because there really isn't a cure [except time].

    good luck! (:

  10. Buy a decent one - I've started using Piz Buin mousse - it's about £12.00 - but you get about 4 full body applications so that's about £3.00 per go - not quite so bad really.

    Buy a mitt from Boots to apply it.

    Have a bath, shave and exfoliate - pay partucular attention to elbows, knees and heels,

    Dry yourself - WELL!! get rid of any left ovr flaky skin.

    then, use the mitt to apply - I always do most of my body myself and get my boyf to apply to my back and my right arm and hand.

    Make sure you do in between toes, and fingers and do the edge of your hand - but not the palm. Also, make sure that you do your elbow whilst it's bent - or you get a white circle in the crease LOL.

    Best tip of all - practice with a make up version that washes off - once you get the technique go for a long lasting developer one.

    Good luck!

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