
Fake ticket used from France to Canada...?

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My friend's brother has a gf...they have a 1 yr old.

He bought a fraudulent ticket w/out knowing and she was supposed to come from Paris to stopped at Toronto.

The immigration has taken the gf's one yr old to Social services and now the gf is in custody.

Her mother called at Toronto airport and the officer was cruel and said they can't speak to neither the child or the gf.

They can't even speak to the lawyer!!!

My friend is bawling because immigration isn't letting them come to Toronto.

The gf has to go to court tomorrow!!!

That's the only way they'll see her!!

I am so sad right now....does anyone know what to do or what's going to happen..or what I can do with a lawyer to help???





  1. You should call a lawyer for advice.

    If she is going to court tomorrow, then she has been charged with a criminal offense. The government is following proceedure. The governemnt may continue to detain her if there is just reason that she may be a threat or disappear.

    She has the right to a lawyer. She can get her own. If she cannot afford one then a lawyer will be made available by the government. It is absolutley unheard of that they will not let her have a lawyer. It's is probably just a minor delay. She should be able to have one by court time. She also has the right to a translator for legal proceedings if needed.

    I'll assume that your friend who wants to come to Toronto is not already in Canada. All Canadians have the right to move about within the country unless they are under a court order.

    She would have long been moved out of the airport. Finding her isn't going to be easy. There is no law that reuqires the governemnt to let you see her. You should be very thankful that her court case is working through so quickly.

    There is no need to tear yourself to pieces here. It is Canada. If anyone is going to be detained there aren't many better countries to be detained in. She will be fine. Her child will be well cared for by Child Services.

    If you like, refer to this site for her guaranteeded rights and freedoms in Canada.

  2. if she can't call a lawyer, someone is breaking the law. By Canadian law anyone on Canadian soil is entitled to a lawyer under request.  Hopefully she's smart enough not to say anything until she gets one.  Although even if she is smart enough she may get tricked into it by them saying she has to admit or she won't see her daughter.  YOU GUYS NEED TO CALL A LAWYER FOR HER.  If any of the above happened (a fake admission etc.) the lawyer will get her out of it.  Call one now. she needs one and you guys need to tell the lawyer what's going on.

    Good luck! this is aweful for her but especially for the daughter.

  3. There are two parts to this.

    The first part is the criminal use of a forged airline ticket. She can be charged with that in Canada.

    The second part is the Immigration case. If she is being charged with a criminal offence in Canada, she can't be allowed to walk free, before a trial. The baby is very rightly being cared for by Chidrens Aid untill this case is finished.

    She has been moved from the airport, to a Immigration detention holding cell. That was the reason why the family couldn't speak to her, she wasn;t at the airport,  any more. And how  can a one year old baby have a telephone conversation with anyone ?

    The comment about Immigration not letting them "come to Toronto " is hard to believe . They can travel wherever they like in Canada, you  know that. The  truth is that they may not be able to see her at the detention centre, until her charges have been  formally  laid and she has a lawyer appointed for  her case.

    I have to wonder how she even  GOT on a plane in France, with a fraudulent ticket ?

    Jim B. Toronto.

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