
Fake transcript to earn degree

by Guest63457  |  earlier

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I have read and studied all classes for my accounting degree, now the school wont give me credits for what i know..Im register at a university but have a lottt of credits left to graduate. Is it so bad if i use a fake transcript to transfer to another university???




  1. You can take a "challenge exam" (names may differ pending on each school), but basically, it's a test the school administers to see if you realy know what you say you know.  If you pass the test, they'll give you credit for the class you're petitioning for.  

    In your case, if you claim you're done the works equivilant to that of an accounting degree classes, take a test (with instructor's permission/approval), and if you pass, they'll give you credit for it.

    good luck


    ****  there's something called..."FRAUD"....  and it's exactly what you're thinking of doing by docing a fake ID/Records/transcripts etc........  It's a serious FEDERAL crime, and I wouldn't go near that road if I were you.  You can/will be jailed for that if they caught you.   Don't take the risk, you can get them to acknowledge your skills ....  just take a test.  If you fail, that just tells you that you might not know as much as you think you know ....

  2. yes, it will turn out that way...

    it's like garbage in - garbage out...

    it will be good for you if you settle your credit and do the best you can to earn your degree

    with good intentions, good things will come your way...

    believe in karma, what you give is what you get..c",)

  3. If you enjoy troubles, faking your transcript will certainly get you some serious ones. Sarcasm aside, I strongly advise against it, as it will come back to haunt you sooner or later. Do it the right way and take the classes you need now. Don't look for an easy way out....

  4. Yes that's pretty bad. It's fraudulent and if the university falls for it (which is unlikely) they'll definitely kick you out.

  5. is this a serious question?

    why dont you fake all your grades too, and while your at it lie to the admissions at the new university.

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