
Fakemon ideas needed?

by  |  earlier

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recently, ive dicovered fakemon, which are basicaly fake pokemon, and im trying to create my own,

all i ask is that you suggest a type of animal to base the fakemon on (doesnt neccecerly have to be an animal...), and a type e.g fighting/water, anything really

i thank the people who help me,

if you don't have any ideas for me, please do not post




  1. leroyjenkimon

  2. chucknorrismon the ultimate fakeamon

  3. Perviman!!!

    Wears a trenchcoat and has the seismic toss special move.

  4. some type of blue dragon

  5. how about a rabbit or a cat, dog,weael,lizard,ferret,muskrat,ratcoon,... i dont know what your talking about but you said to post animals),goldfish,buffolo,geraf,zebra,sq... and cheetah i oculd list alot more but this is boring and there are books abiut lotys of animals at oyur library.
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