
Fall Tennis try-outs?

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i want to try out for the fall tennis try-outs for my school (which is on Aug. 16). I need my doctor to fill in a medical form, so i told my mom to make an appointment for next week. but then she told me that my doctoer's appointment is on sept, 28! D8D8

is there anyway for an earlier appointment, or another place i can get my forms filled out??




  1. For my school there are people from the athletic department that can fill out medical forms after performing a physical exam.  Maybe your school has one too.  You should ask the athletic department to see if such service is offered or not.  If your school doesn't have this kind of service you can ask your doctor if your physical from last time expired or not.  One exam can work from one to two years, so if you had a physical exam a year earlier then maybe you don't have to go to the appointment.  Just ask your doctor to fill out the medical form again.  Most doctors should do it if you have had physical exam within one or two years.  Hope this helps!

  2. Yep, call the school, most times they know of a clinic that will take you in, right away, just wait your turn. Good luck.

  3. I don't know where you live, but around us most schools have a "physical," day or time when everyone that needs to get the note can get it done at the same time for little or no cost.

    Maybe where you live they don't do that (economic or liability reasons) so just call around and find someone who has an opening (these usually only take a few minutes)
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