
Fall in love? how do you know it?

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Willian L @ yeah i am, i want to know!!! i have a very strong feeling about someone and i want to check if it's just a crush




  1. you will feel a very strong erge just to be wit the person if u dont care if they ever turned ugly or anything like that then u migtht be

  2. You will understand wat all the songs on the radio or singing about

  3. Don't ask

    Here's some tips..

  4. if your a kid u wont know it if ur an not sure lol

  5. when you fall in love with someone, you feel that you always want them by your side, you get butterflies in your stomach, and you just can tell.

    good luck hun=]

  6. If you were in love you wouldn't have to ask.

  7. That is tough because young girls show many signs of falling in love due to raging hormones but it isn't love but lust.  If you can't stop thinking about them, when you are with them you feel comfortable like you've known them forever, you want to be with them and make them happy.  This is the beginning signs that most teens feel.  But true love goes one step further.  

    You will be by their side no matter if things get tough, they become disfigured or sick, depressed or broke.  You will be by their side overlooking all those imperfections and love them unconditionally and be there to help them through the tough times.  If they are unable to have s*x you will remain faithful and loyal and be happy just to have their companionship.  Willing to talk and do things to make their life better, expecting nothing and return.

  8. I don't know how to describe it.

    You just...know...

  9. I knew it when I no longer saw him as just my best friend.  I wanted more.  I didn't want to be without him.  I got nervous around him..(we had been friends for 5 years so that was weird)  I started noticing how attractive he is..his smile made me smile, things that made him angry upset me too, I was protective of him and he was protective of me and I liked it that way.  His touch made me shiver but feel all warm inside at the same time.  It's a hard feeling to describe with a lot of emotions at once, but it's one of the best feelings.  I know this is a corny answer, but that's just how it is.

  10. When you find someone that you feel so comfortable with and those stupid butterflies don't go away, and would jump in front of a 18 wheeler for, then maybe you are in love. Its different for everyone but that is how I found out.

  11. when you are you do.unless you easy then you gotta ask someone else

  12. take a jump

    tho today my english class defined love as feeling affection for something

    we went on to prove it by saying that when people say they love hamburgers it means they like it and would miss it or sigh in sorrow if they didnt have it...  so therefore when u love someone u miss them when they arent around!

  13. if you have to ask, you're not in love.

  14. you know when you think about that person night and day, when every time the phone rings your heart flutters hoping its them, when all the songs on the radio remind you of him, when you are distracted by thaughts or day dreams of that person, when you talk about them night and day there is so much more to it but you'll know

  15. No one can describe love. Words only simplify it to the point of misunderstanding.

    The young wont understand it until they are older. The young experience lust. Love comes with age and maturity and reason.

    And when you do fall in love, youll know that you are in love and realize your past events were not love.

    Once it hits you, your heart,mind,body, and soul will answer this question for you. Sounds cheezy, but trust me.

  16. are you seriously asking that question?  

  17. well falling in love with someone is giving them all you have, it's what i know, but descibing the love is out of question cuz you just can't explain feelings in words , trust me , but love is when you think of him/her all the time, no matter where you are , what your doing, whom you are with , i love some one for last 4 years that i haven't met her, haven't talk her on phone, just we im each other and have pic's of each other, she is my realitive but beside this she even don't send me an email for last 2 years , can you Believe me? i love her at all , i can do anything for her, oh sorry i get Emossional ,anyways thanx bye :'(

  18. Time will tell.

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