
Fall wardrobe for school aged children?

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It's that time! I've been shopping for school/fall clothing.

I was just curious. What do you think makes a good basic wardrobe?

Such as a certain amount of tees, jeans, sweatshirts, shoes, dresses etc?

This sort of applies to private school/ home school kids, as well. I mean they gotta have fall clothes! lol

I'm trying to figure out if I get too much/not enough?

What do you get for you children and what are their ages?




  1. my daughter wears uniforms, so i replace them as needed.  i never went heavy into shopping as they had plenty of clothes from the summer to last a few months into the school year.  i replaced clothes as need then, too.

  2. My kids are in privite school with uniforms.  I don't have a real list of what I buy, I just replace what is out grown, worn out  as needed.  As far as jeans, etc that are worn out of school, I also just by as needed.  The only things I buy new at the beginning of school is underwear, socks and sometimes shoes.

    Edit: The weather sounds like ours.. Hot for August and part of September, then cold and snow by Halloween. lol

  3. I have been thinking of this myself lately.  Well....I guess it all depends on what the fall weather is like where you live, what clothes the kids already have, what they like to wear, how much you want to spend, and how often you want to do laundry.  My boy is starting kindergarten this year.  I intend to buy him a few new t-shirts, probably three pairs of jeans, a few pairs of jean shorts (because they match everything), a few long sleeve shirts, and a light jacket for cold days.  I live in Phoenix so it's pretty mild here in the fall.  Maybe some new shoes, socks, and undies too?

  4. for my 14 year old i will get him 4 pairs of jeans and 1 or 2 setrs of khakis.

    i let him pick out his shirts i guess about 6. but i do request that at least 2 be henley or crew shirts. the rest can be tshirts.

    then 2 packs of socks 2 packs of undies and 2 pairs of shoes.

    thats about it. boys are easy.

    but i have a 3 year old boy and a 18 month old girl. ask me

    again in about 8 years how easy it is!!!!! lol.

    oh and no they get worse as far as growth in middle school. my god the child grows overnight. he is 14 and 6 ft tall. he is a tree! have you ever tried to dress a tree!

  5. I've got five and it is expensive.  The 7 year old boy is easy.  He really doesn't care, so for him it is basically jeans, new shoes, backpack, and a couple shirts.  I usually just go to Target for him.

    For the girls who are 15, 14, 14, 12 well that is another story entirely!!  I give them a price limit which makes them really think twice about what stores they want to go to.  Do you really want $85 Abercrombie jeans, or $28 Pac Sun jeans?  It helps them get an idea of how expensive things are. We make a fun day of it and cover the whole mall.  I try and take them each individually so we can focus on what each needs and not on what the other is getting.

    Usually it comes down to a couple pair of pants, a 3 or 4 shirts, a new pair of tennis shoes, and a sweatshirt.  We live in a warm climate, so we are lucky that they wear pretty much the same clothes all year long.

  6. What I do is shop when they need it. I wish I could get them new clothes for fall but we cannot afford to do it if they still have clothes that fit.

    My girls usually have about 4 or 5 pair of pants, whatever kind they like. My oldest hates jeans so its generally the athletic type or sweats for my youngest it is very cold in the winter, she also has regular pants for winter. In the spring they have 4 or 5 pair of capri's and the same amount of shorts.  They have a ton of shirts because I shop thrift stores and always find shirts but not pants.

    For fall they always get a new outfit for the first day and of course new backpack etc. But the rest I buy as needed. Usually the capri's/shorts from spring still fit in the fall and I just get them new pants for winter if needed.

    This year I am going bust in shoes, my oldest needed new shoes before school was out and has already outgrown those!

    And they get a new pair of tennis shoes and a pair of mary janes generally when school starts.

    I have 2 girls 7 and 9, going into 2nd and 4th grade, but where we live we generally have to buy a new winter coat and boots each year. Even with hand me downs to my youngest it seems to go about every other year they fit her. And I was the youngest of 3 so if we can afford it I get her some new not just her sisters, though I do keep them looking brand new.

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