
Fallen in Love with Edward Cullen??

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Edward from Twilight series has so much. He's perfect.

I have to admit I have fallen for him although he's not real

Just wanna know you views are

He's seem just so perfect

Im obsessed tbh

After i've read the twilight book, I can't get over him

Now I dont even think i can be in a relationship with anyone other than someone like him

I wish there was someone like edward in my life

any advise??





  1. OMG i am exactly the same! he really is perfect, i wish he was real. and mine. but i know what you mean, evrytime i see someone, i have to compare them to edward, and then i just wish that Edward was real even more.

    i cant give you any advice unfortunately, since i have the same problem. just wish!

  2. Why would anyone want a perfect boyfriend?  It would get annoying because he'd be constantly showing you up.  Besides, it's the little flaws that make me love people most- their idiosyncrasies, how their voice sounds a bit different, the way they have a scar, whatever.  If it was Edward, he would be sorely lacking all of these things.  Besides which, he is abusive and overbearing, and fictional, and married to Bella.

    And, even though Smeyer went back on her word, due to the fact that ALL the liquids in your body are turned to venom when you become a vampire and your blood is used to satisfy your thirst, he wouldn't be able to have s*x or make Bella pregnant.

    Get over Edward, and find a real guy who you like for his flaws and for who he is, and likes you for the same reasons.

  3. umm.... try and find some one like him?

    he is meant to be perfect. mostly all vamps are.

    get over it, im sorry but your not "in love with him" you love the idea of him. try getting a life... and a real boyfriend

  4. No, not really.  You're right, he is a fictional character, so I don't know how its possible for people to fall in love with him.  Great book though!  I'm reading Eclipse right now.  =)

  5. i have a similar problem.

    i can just tell u that i hope we'll find someone...who would be an this world of the living.who would be an edward to us.don't get me wrong-i don't want him to be perfect, or a vampire etc.(though i wouldn't regret on it) but i want my boyfriend,husband,destiny(:D), whatever-to be an edward TO ME.i want to think of my loved one as an edward.but I'm not really sure that is possible.cause true love for me is-running in the meadows.everyone can interpret this metaphor as he wishes.still...not exactly sure it exists.from all what I've seen, witnessed and heard in this world, my life - true love cannot exist.

  6. Well of course that its impossible 2 hav a guy like him. but I think he is a good model for guys U are looking for. Edward wants to make bella hapy all the time, can't live without her, protects her. Thats wat I am looking for in a guy

  7. You will outgrow it as soon as you realize that you are spending every weekend at home waiting for 'perfection' to knock at your door, while your girlfriends are out having fun and telling all about it on Monday at work or at school.

    There are no Edwards out there.  There is no such thing as a perfect man.  There are good men out there.  Nice men that will be considerate to you, and respect you... but they will be flawed ... just like you are flawed.

  8. i know how you feel, edward is ahmazing. hes too good to be real, because hes not. you need to be realistic. if there's a guy you meet and you have a crush on him think of all the great things about him. like make a list. and when ever you find yourself comparing him to  edward take out the list and remind your self how great this guy is. plus if edward was real, you'd have to become a vampire too. and that has its down sides....  

  9. let me just say that i'm in love edward cullen too.

    i read those books in one week and now they're my favorite.

    I can't wait to see the movie and i don't know how i'll survive once

    I've finished Breaking Dawn.

    But I doubt there is gonna be anyone like edward because the only reason he is so sweet is that he is a vampire and that means he doesn't have as many horomones and doesn't focus on s*x.

    So basically, edward will be very hard to find cause I don't know how many vampires there are out there.


    i'm soooo very jealous  

  10. Well, if you want a controlling, overprotective stalker who breaks into your house and watches you sleep even before you give him permission to do so for a boyfriend, be my guest.  


    That was mean.  

    But most girls refuse to admit Edward's faults, so I thought I'd point them out in the hopes that you'd set your sights on a real guy, lol.

    Don't worry though, there are amazingly sweet guys out there who will love you every bit as cheese-ily as Edward loves Bella.  Only they won't be vampires... probably, lol.  ^^

    Be patient and you'll find the right guy.

  11. i totally agree with you.

  12. Haha Everyone seems to be falling in love with Edward Cullen.

    Don't worry, I'm one of them XD

    He's pretty much perfect. He can be moody sometimes but

    i think he's pretty amazing :]

    It sucks that he's not real lol.

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