
Falling down reflexes?

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If someone were to trip and fall, wouldn't it be reflexive to keep their eyes open as they fell in an attemp to prevent injury? My friends and I got into this discussion on how people react to falling. I said that a person would naturally keep their eyes open (if not open them even more) in a sort of "Whoah!" reaction. By having their eyes open as they fall they may spot something to grab onto to prevent completely falling and thus reduce the amount of injury to themselves. My friend said that was stupid and that people would close their eyes as they fell. So my question is, what do you guys think? Would it ber better to keep them open or close them? Personally I believe closing them is dumb as it's sort of like giving up and accepting that you're going to be hurt instead of trying to do something about it. By the way, the best answer won't go to someone who merely agrees with me but can provide conving information even if from the other point of view.




  1. Your eyes will stay open when you fall (reflex)

       If you are about to be hit in the face , your eyes will close (reflex) to protect your eyes.

  2. It's simple, it depends on the person. There are those people who are constantly looked after and saved or bailed from situations, or helped when they fall or taken to a doctor. There are those who are more independent and are not afraid to take the fall, get up, and go to the doctor themselves.

    It seems obvious to me that someone would keep their eyes open unless they were facing the scariest thing in their lives, but who closes their eyes when they're scared? I am the first type of person and prefer to keep my eyes open in new situations, no matter how terrified I may be.

    So to me, closing your eyes or not when you fall is a learned behavioral reaction.

    Innate human reflex is to close your eyes when you are about to be hit on your face, to protect your eyes.

  3. Seeing how it is a reflex, meaning without conscious control, it wouldn't really be up to you unless you kind of trained yourself.

    I am a bit of a klutz so I've trained myself to keep my eyes open, but I still squint.(When I fall, I don't walk around squinting... LOL )

    I always used to shut my eyes out of reflex. I think most people do, even though it makes more sense to keep them open. :)
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