
Falling in love????????????????

by  |  earlier

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1. Where did you meet your partner?

2. What was it that attracted you to them most when you first met them?

3. How long was it until you realized you were in love?

4. Do you still have the same feelings for them today?

5. If you met them today, without ever knowing them previously, do you think it would still fall in love?

I know they are corny, but please answer honestly!




  1. 1.  I met him in high school.  He was the star football player and I was the cheerleader....

    2.  I was attracted to him because he was new at my school and he had really neat eyes and a cool haircut......

    3.  It took a while to fall in love.  We were friends first.

    4.  No, I don't still have the same feelings for him today, other than friendship.

    5.  No.  Definitely not.

  2. I met my boyfriend well he was my friend since pre-k we met at the park and our parents set up playdates and all, in the 8th grade i think we started to like eachother but didnt do anything when we were in 10th grade we finally sarted going out i realized i was in love well since forever this was jus a step higher and I do feel the same for him today but he died in a car accident july 24th 2008 and i miss him so much my life will never be the same ='(

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