
Falling out of love...?

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After 20 years, do people really fall OUT of love? Or is it just boredom and the same old thing? Do they see better prospects out there? Is the sight of their spouse aging just too much? WHAT is it????? Why do guys seem to resort back to 25? UGGGGHHHHH!!!!!!




  1. I believe if you both keep a little mystery in a relationship and I am not talking bad secrets, but a little spice a marriage doesn't have to be a burden. It is unfortunate that some marriages will one spouse that takes care of their health and maintain a nice figure and the other quits caring and gets fat.  I know some may think this is superficial, but get real! I left my 1st hubby because of his sloven behavior and addictions. and I deserve better.  My 2nd hibby divorced his wife because she stopped taking care of herself.  He and I didn't meet until we both out of relationships for nearly 10 years so I am not the other woman.  His ex remarried to a nice man who accepts her the way she is.  My present hubby likes me because I am both an intelligent lady and I am a girly girl and that is what he likes.  We are now married almost 8 years and we take time to take care of our fitness and health.  I am almost 44 and he is a handsome 62.

  2. I don't think it's really falling out of love, it's just comfortable, the sameness must freak men out.  I don't even think it's for better prospects...what man can really handle two 20 year olds, over a 40 year old woman?  None, zilch!!!  I truly believe its more about mortality and possible missed opportunities.

  3. Monogamy = monotony!

  4. I don't believe people fall out of love just based on boredom.  I however do think people mistake boredom for other things.  But I also believe that if you are the person who is bored you are just as responsible to make yourself happier.  It takes two to be within the marriage and it is just not one to make things excited and other to sit back and enjoy.  Keep you chin up maybe it is not as bad as you think...  

  5. People do get bored. Some do. People think routine is not love. Routine is love. The problem is people take it for granted. Tons of people marry for looks or money but no one marry for a good mate this day and age.

    Trend is women go for money and security

    and men go for looks

    both will lead you into a road of unhappiness.

  6. I do not think they actually fall out of love, i think it is a little bit of boredom and tired of the same thing day after day. I don't know, but i have been married 15 years  and i love my husband now more than i did when i married him

  7. men dont like to get old. being with younger girls makes them feel young.

    You can fall out of love. I believe you still "Love" your husband but you are no longer "In love" with him.

    You could try spicing up your realtionship with a brand new corset. hehe. Do something in the realationship that you dont normally do. he might like it. you might like it. win win

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