
Falling over and landing heavily when pregnant?

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my girlfriend is 7 months pregnant and fell and landed on her backside today. she landed on our lawn while i was out. she came down quite heavily and has been having pains in her stomach since.she has had pains through most of this pregnancy but we are both worried the baby may have been hurt and are going to hospital if the pains persist. could a fall like that do any damage to an unborn baby?




  1. I'd suggest you go to the hospital ASAP if she's feeling pains, rather then sat on YA

  2. She needs to go up to the ER and get checked. At 7 months they will send her to L&D to be tested.

    Generally speaking your baby is well padded and should be okay from a fall. Lots of pregnant women faint and fall like dead weight to the floor and their babies are fine. She does need to get checked ASAP, regardless if she still has pain.

  3. i think it coud ony do serious damage if she landed on her belly.

    but id still get it checked..  better too be safe than sorry!

  4. Do you have a maternity hospital either go there or go to the doctor tomorrow, they will probably give you an ultrasound/check heartbeat and hopefully put your minds at ease. A friend of mine fell down the stairs at 8 months and both she and the baby were fine, but get checked out as no two pregnancies are the same.

  5. I doubt it, preborn-babies have survived car crashes as the uterus is very padded. I would go to the hospital just in case to rule out premature delivery.

  6. phone nhs 24 and get some advice.

    my mum fell on her belly when she was very pregnant with my brother. everything was fine but i'd still see a doctor just to make sure.


  7. First i would totally go get checked out just to be safe. However, your baby is super protected and even if she had fallen on her belly the baby would be just fine. But our bodies are different in pregnancy and she could have hurt herself. So again, the baby is probably great, but your girlfriend should still be checked out.  

  8. I'm not being rude, i'm being serious: DON'T WAIT, JUST GO NOW.

    Why risk it when she is having pain? It sounds like she's having either more pain or a different pain so why risk it? Just go.

  9. I would go to the hospital just to be safe. The fall on her bum probably caused the impact to travel up into her belly . Good luck!

  10. My big dog knocked me over when I was 9 months along, and I hit the ground super hard. That caused my son to go to the bathroom in his placenta, and I had to get an emergency c-section that night. So don't take it lightly. Get checked.

    I don't want to scare you, but if my sharing my experience makes you get checked, i'm not sorry. Things could also be fine, but check!

  11. im 7 mnths and fell recently it gave me a fright but i went and got checked over and everythings fine but im sure it would help your gf if she got checked over im sure babys fine but for peace of both your minds go and get seen  

  12. She should have gone once she stood back up. Any fall while pregnant can hurt an unborn child.

  13. I had my baby in February so my later months were in winter... My porch stairs are very steep and made of wood which ice builds up on and I fell on 3 separate occasions while on my way out to my doctor appointments.  It didn't matter how careful I was, it kept happening.  Nothing happened to the baby, thank god. I would get her checked just incase though...I was lucky that I was on my way to the doctor each time.

  14. She should be getting checked over at the local hospital just to make sure everything is okay. Naturally after a fall this should be the case anyway but it is more important now as your girlfriend is having stomach pains. It's probably nothing but it's still best to have checked.

  15. If she didn't land on her stomach it shouldn't have done too much harm but if she is getting pains you better get her to the hospital just in case. Good luck

  16. it can cause misscariage. but u should of gone too the doctors or rang your midwife as soon as she got back up.. Go and get checxked out soon but just rest and take it very easy until u do !

  17. i also tripped over a branch and landed on my knees and hands when i was 6 months pregnant the fall was pretty hard but no actual pressure on my stomach i felt no pain so i didnt end up going to the hospital until this day all the ultrasounds show that the baby is perfectly healthy....

    i think your case is a little worst...even though i believe your baby is healthy and okay she should still go get checked out....good luck!

  18. my grandma fell while pregnant with her last child and didnt go to the dr and lost her baby, i fell while 7 months pregnant flat on my butt and never went to the dr, but i wasnt having any pains.

    your gf should really head to the dr asap. better safe than sorry especially with your child.

  19. she probably just strained herself - you'd be amazed how much the human body can withstand - the mother's body is like a shield to the baby so a wee bump shouldn't affect her.

    However, the stress could affect the pregnancy, and even if she looks OK go get it checked out anyways - better safe than sorry.

  20. You need to get her to the doctor or ER right away just to make sure everything is ok.  Look at it this way, you go, there is nothing wrong with baby and you get piece of mind OR you go and if something is wrong, they can take care of it....OR you don't go and you hope and worry.  I would go just to be on the safe side!

  21. WTF you should have gone to the hospital the second she got back up!

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