
False Facebook account used for increased gaming...?

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I must admit, i never fully read the terms and conditions of facebook, when i created my account.

i have a couple of other accounts which i've used to my personal advantage, to gain points on facebook games.

I created the accounts with "created names" and random people "pictures", so that the accounts look legit. This way, people wouldnt know that im secretly cheating the game, by using other profiles....

For me, it is just for fun. For my own personal entertainment. Im not trying to be dubious, or knowingly pretending to be somebody else. I just created a couple accounts, and im adding to the fun that i have on facebook.

Now, ive heard that fake accounts are being deleted? Is facebook going to be arresting people, now, too?

I thought that this was all about just having fun? Its friggn facebook for god sakes....




  1. Why are you guys thinking that creating false profiles on a social networking website has any LEGAL implications? Do you seriously think that any form of LAW ENFORCEMENT gives half a c**p what you do online?

    Creating false profiles, no matter what site it's on, does not constitute fraud. You are under no sworn declaration of your true identity. Creating a false Myspace or Facebook account is no where near creating a bank account using false information.

    Understand that any social site on the Internet is for RECREATION only. Thinking that you are legally liable here is foolish. It's like thinking you'll be arrested for cheating on a basketball game. It's utterly ridiculous.

    Facebook deleting false accounts is perfectly fine. It reduces overhead on their end, and it's against the ToS to create more than one account. Arresting people? Are you kidding me? Where did you hear that, and why didn't common sense kick in?

    Think about this "arresting" scenario for a second... Picture the police showing up to a person's house, handcuffing them, putting them into a squad car, taking them to jail, and booking them, all because they created a false account on a goddamn social website... If that seems logical and believable to you, you are naive on a frightening level.

  2. face book has no rights to invade on your rights , you did nothing wrong the federal government or your local state government would choose whether or not your crime is worth investigating

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