
False or True: Australia is the best Nation in the World ?

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People say it all the time I would like to see what people really think.




  1. false

  2. True.  We're not the most populous country, and we have nowhere near the world's biggest military or economy.

    But we got the best national anthem, we've got the best wildlife, and by God, we've got VEGEMITE and TIM TAMS.

    We got these black fellas who've been here 50,000 years - and even they like our vegemite and tim tams.

    Aussies have BALLS and GUTS -- even the sheilas.

  3. Yes, it is by far, never had a civil war, the people have free speech, and free to travel without been watched by government agents, free own private property and use it as you want, we have never had slavery, never had political assassinations and never had a terrorist attack. and no government has ever illegally been thrown out of power.

    We are generally peaceful, respectful, and relaxed, Australians by world standards are wealthy, and enjoy a good and healthy lifestyle, Australian have access to medical treatment regardless of how rich or poor you are. Okay not everything is perfect here but it is close. our natural beauty of this country is second to none, we have low crime rates, and you can walk down any street in Australia and you are very unlike to be mugged and or robed, they are safe, food in Australia is the freshest, and reasonably cheap. unemployment is low, so it is all good. the beaches are the best in the world, and we have open spaces for recreational purposes, what is wrong in Australia, nothing really.  

  4. False...people like Orkeny mist are evidence of that. I'm Australia and frankly I'm sick of the over the top, overly patriotic and somewhat obnoxious way many Australians present themselves and their country. By no means does this country have an unflawed human rights record. Those "blackfellas", the Indigenous Australians, were treated so inhumanely when Europeans first settled and the way this country treats asylum seekers is quite appaling There's alot of things we could do better but that's like any country I suppose. Of course there are things I love, the poeple, the environment, the food and the weather to name a few

  5. True.

    I thought Melbourne was the nicest city I've ever been to (I had a week there in 2005). And I'm a whinging pom.

  6. Yes Australia is the Greatest I am an Australian citizen and a British subject and spent 38 years in the Air force and as a result lived in Europe  Asia Africa and Australasia/Pacific  about 30 countries and i chose Australia

    a country where You cannot be arrested for being a Vagrant where we do not need the Patriot act Never had Racial riots like in Malaysia and USA  for example we have never had segregation like Africa USA never had riots Like USA where Innocent tourist were Murdered because they were Jewish Never had Parkie bashing Like the UK

    and we are one of the most cosmopolitan Nations that work we have the most stable economy and we don't mind giving our allies a hand

    I have been here Since 1968 and do not take Any responsibility for the way the Indigenous people were treated before i got here which is no different than USA who by the way never kept a single treaty with the Indians

  7. Yeah Tam-tam’s, you just don't know what your missing in the way of chocolate biscuits. I don't think we can sell vegemite to people who didn't grow up on the taste though. I don’t care who owns them… well I do, but as long as I can eat them.

    And gun laws, the rest of the world’s gun laws freak the **** out of me. Why the h**l would I want a gun! No one else has a gun.

    Umm… Recent personal freak out, international news is scary, lol.

    But the point is I have never in my life ever even vaguely felt I needed a gun or might need a gun or even considered it at that.

    I like the people (for the most part) and the culture and the smell and the lifestyle. Feels more laid back to me even in the city but maybe home feels more laid back where ever you call home.

    We have beaches, rainforest and desserts and if you’re really boring we even have cities. Yeah if you ask me Australia is the best nation in the world but I'm highly bias. I love this country with all my heart, it’s beautiful and savage and wild and welcoming. And when you’re out in it, really out in it, it blows my mind.

    I’ve travelled a bit and in the end I just crave home.

    To me Australia is the best Nation in the World.

  8. Yes of course!!!! We are sooooo unique and have lots of different cultures all in the 1 country, and lots of different climates in the 1 country and our country has lots of space and the most lovable native animals on the WHOLE planet!!!!!!! So I think it's the awesomest coz Australia includes everybody no matter what their culture is or what kind cold or warm or snowey or desert climate they want. There is a place that suits everybody in Australia. It's a country of soo much freedom and choice. :]

  9. True

  10. Australia is definitely a great Nation.

    People are nice, beautiful places to see, many thinks to do, the weather is good and Australia is very well organized.

    Its maybe not THE best nation but definitely one of the best places to live on this world ;-)

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