
False positive or the real thing???

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My hubby and I currently ttc after a m/c in may. I've been having lots of symptoms that could be af or maybe not. Anyway, I'm 9 dpo now and I couldn't help myself, I took a dollar tree pregnancy test this morning. I assumed it was negative and walked away and looked at it again in approximately 10 minutes. There was a definite pink line where the positive would be, but it was kinda sideways. it started out straight, then went crooked towards the top, it was vertical like the control line though. Did I just see this b/c I waited 10 min?? or does the line being crooked make the test invalid? Has anyone had this happen to them?? If so were you preggo or not??




  1. Follow the directions on the test and look when you are suppose to. Also, the line could just be very faint because it's so early. I'd wait a few days, use first mornings urine, and test again. I have always followed directions on my tests, and have never gotten a false positive or negative. And, with both pregnancies it took forever to concieve, so I've taken tons of tests. I recommend a  timer so you don't forget next time. I usually just stare at mine til it looks done, lol. Good luck and baby dust your way!

  2. Wait a a day or two and take another HPT.  Be sure to wait the length of time specified on the test and check it then.

    Good luck!

  3. If it wasn't before the 10 minute mark then it was probably just the evap line.  You have to look at them before that 10 minute mark, some tests actually say to read before 5 minutes because of the evap line.  You will need to retest so I would just wait a few days and see what happens.

  4. The only thing I could think of since false + are hard to get is that if you walked away after assuming it was a - then it sounds like an evap line. But that depends on how long you left it sitting there. That part did happen to me. I left a - test sitting for 25 minutes or so, and it turned +.

    When you say it went crooked is how mine did.

    I hope you are indeed pregnant, and that your so called false + is a real +.

    Test again, and sit with the test for as long as the package says it takes for the results to show.

    Good luck, and keep us updated!

    Hope you are prego!!!

  5. I hear that it is extremely rare to have a false positive when taking a pregnancy test.  This may be it!!  Yay!  Of course check with your doctor to confirm...but let me say, "Congrats!!" :)

  6. i have an idea... take another one and dont look at it 10 minutes later look at it in the designated time because even though ppl will give u their advice the only way to be absolutely sure is to re-test.

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