
Family's? Why are they SO frustrating!?

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My cousin is the same age as me, we are totally different. she loves her self and thinks everybody loves her. she has all our family wrapped around her little finger. she drops bombshells on us all the time. once she tried starving her self, then she had something wrong with her stomach (apparentley) and then she was pregnant but she wouldn't let any1 at the scan so therefore i thought she was lying. then all of a sudden she had an abortion which made it even more fishy! but then told everyone it was a 'false alarm' and that she was never pregnant! i told my friend she was pregnant when i thought she was and she went mad, she hasn't spoken to me for about 2 months now, everytime were in the same room she just walks right past me which isn't right cos at the end of the day were cousins and cousins should be close!! but i hate her. is it normal for sum1 to actually despise their cousin? she is so two faced, constantley bitching about everyone. but people love her cos she makes up lies to make her look good! ye she is pretty but she knows it and its so annoying! she chucks me evil looks all the time, i gave her a presant and she basically through it back in my face tonight. who is in the wrong and why is she like this???




  1. tell  them

  2. Your cousin is obviously wrong. Mean and evil. The worst part? there's nothing you can do. Especially if your family doesn't realize what's going on...don't fight with her, or Your family think you're evil.

    hmmm....maybe you should start shouting and crying and say something like: 'why are you hurting me so much? what did I do to you?!'' then she might feel that she has some power and shout all the reasons? I'm not sure if it would work though...

    Good luck x

  3. Cousins are supposed to be close? Someone needs to tell that to mine, since none of us talk to each other anymore.

  4. She is like that b/c she is selfish and mean. She doesn't deserve to have you as her family. Family is what you make it, not necessarily who you are born into. As you get older you will figure that out.


  6. I don't like my cousin but and for the same reasons! I also don't like my other cousin whom is an older male because he constantly tries to act like my dad and boss me around and it annoys the h**l out of me. Tbh you just gotta ignore them. Best thing to do. You aren't in the wrong. She is for telling so many lies. If she doesn't want to speak that's fine and no cousins don't have to be close there is no rule saying that they have to be. Just let her do what she wants and let it pass over your shoulders. Just stick to the people you love and lead your life. At the end of the day people will eventually see through her.

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