
Family Attractions in Tasmania?

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So I'll be in Tasmania in August for a family holiday with my wife and 2 year old son, along with my parents-in-law. We'll be spending 10 nights around the state, and already have our accomodation sorted out to tour around, but we're looking for suitable attractions and amusements for adults and toddlers alike. Can anyone suggest any attractions that are worth checking out?




  1. Hi,

    A really fun family attraction is, ZooDoo.

    It is a wildlife park, and it has many animals, including Tasmanian Devils, Tigers, etc. It also has rides, canteens, etc. Its open every day of the year besides Christmas and Good Friday. Entry fee for adults is $16 and for children $10.

    I hope you have a wonderful time in Tasmania! Visit the website to find out more about Zoodoo:


  2. All those suggestions are great. I'd also add Wings Farm Park, in the north-west of Tasmania -

    which is a lot of fun for children and adults.

    If you're going to be near Devonport, in the north-west, the Imaginarium Science Centre is also terrific:

    Cradle Mountain is very beautiful, and at that time of year you'd probably be lucky enough to have snow, which would be fun for a 2-year old! The bistro at the Cradle Mountain Lodge is a nice place to warm up afterwards and has good family friendly food.

    Have a good trip :-)

  3. There are lots of animal related things in Tasmania which might be of interest to both children and adults, and there are also a variety of historical attractions.  If you get ahold of a tourist map then there are usually a whole load of bright advertisements for various family attractions pasted all over it; these are often given freely with hire cars, and can most likely be found in tourist information centres; if you're coming via boat you will probably be handed one on arrival.  Otherwise you can stop in at tourist centres to enquire; they can be extremely helpful!  :-)

    A place that appeared to be very popular with young children when I visited it briefly was The Honey Farm in Chudleigh, north Tasmania.  It is very colourful and bright and you can taste various honeys, watch bees, and there are innumerous toys and related gifts; I also think there is a museum attached.  More information can be obtained here:

    There is Dr Harry's Hobby Farm, also in the north, where you can take tours and interact with the farm animals and I think also have lunch.  It is about twenty minutes from Launceston but I think it is necessary to book.  They too have a website:

    There is also an abundance of wildlife parks all over Tasmania, but to go for the more ethical parks is better, with Trowunna Wildlife Park in the Mole Creek area being one of those, as its focus is rehabilitation.  There are many animals, including captive Tasmanian devils, wandering kangaroos, inquisitive possums and birds in the process of being rehabbed and more, as well as guided talks.  More information can be found at their website:

    (Another wildlife park is the Something Wild wildlife park near Hobart where I believe they have some kind of Tasmania devil specific rehabilitation program.)

    There is the Tahune Airwalk, which is basically a walk through the tree tops on suspended metal bridges, but how enjoyable that would be for a very young kid I'm not sure!  You can find out more here:

    Something else that might interest you is the Westbury Maze, once again in the north.  Here is some information:

    I hope you have fun in Tasmania and that you get to check out some of the seriously cool wilderness/natural areas too!

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