
Family Costume Ideas please--PARTY--?

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My baby's birthday is in october and im going to host a costume party for her. she will be just over 12 months at theparty and i found an adorable ladybug costume for her. I also want the adults to dress up. So I found a Ladybug costume for myself. What should my husband be so that we will all match?

Got any creative ideas? I dont have to be a lady bug if that helps.




  1. I like the plant idea that some of the previous posters have mentioned, it's adorable.

    I was going to suggest an entomologist (someone who studies insects) but I like the plant idea a lot better.

  2. Bumble garbage bags with yellow duck tape. inexpensive and not uncomfortable

  3. He could dress up as a plant and carry your daughter around.

  4. He could be a Daddy long leg.

    Sounds cute!

  5. He could be a lady bug with a mustache.

    Not meaning to be hurtful, just funny.

    Have a good time.

  6. that's soo cute. But i'm sure your husband isn't going to dig being a lady bug with ya guys. Maybe you can be a flower and your husband some grass. Or a bee.

  7. A BUTTERFLY MAKE YOU HUBBIE BE A BUTTERFLY!!!! or yo could make him be a ladybug too

  8. He could dress in black and red, contrasting with your red and black, and call himself a "gentleman bug."  Add a top hat!  But you'd probably have to make the costume.

    Otherwise, I'd consider going as a gorgeous queen bee, dress the baby as cute larva, and make the hubby go as a drone.  He might get a kick out of it!  lol

  9. A large daisy.

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