
Family/ Finance question? when it comes to mom and we still charge them rent even though we are?

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moving out first? We went in together to buy a house in 2006. My parents credit was jacked from prior investments that were moderately successful but went bad.They werent approved so we fully financed the house. They paid 1/2 of the earnest money down, then 1/2 the rent . My mom encouraged my husband and I, then 22/21 with good credit, to buy a house in 2006 and they would keep it for us while we fulfilled our military obligation. We did, but now that we are home we are running out of options under the type of loan that we have. We HAVE spoken to our lender:our option is short sale/bnkruptcy/waiting 60-90 days for a possible loan modification. No one had paid rent for 3 months. Mom/Dads credit is now better, they offered to let us move with them to the next home while we go to school and don't pay rent just utilities, but we r still seen as kids with grown responsibilities. were moving out Aug 1 to an aprtmt. We feel like we got the short end of the stick, do we still chrg rent if




  1. Since no one, including you, is paying the mortgage for the house, then you should not be charging your parents rent.    

    You are trying to profit from this situation.

    I am saddened that a chaplain is dishonest enough to refuse to repay money to the bank.    That does not say much for her values.

    But it is not you who "got the short end of the stick", it is the lenders that trusted you, they are the ones being screwed here.    They gave you a lot of money, I am sure much more then you had invested.

  2. The best answer for this type family problem is in the BIBLE !  I think you and your parents need to re think what a FAMILY means.  There should be love instead of worrying about money.  If it were me I would allow your parents to do whatever they will remembering what goes around comes around.  You should not judge them they should be better parents.  It seems you need God in your lives... God Bless you all !!!

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