
Family Help! My dad...?

by  |  earlier

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Heres the story,

when i was 5 my dad cheated on my mom and my mom found out. when i was old enough to understand why they fought so much, i got it.

im 13 now and i found out my dad is doing it again and my mom doesnt know. i read his text messages and he always talks to a woman saying "hey babe lets meet up..." right in front of me!

i dont want to tell my mom. i really dont want her to get hurt. my sister is 10 and she loves my parents and she knows too and she is heartbroken.

what do i do. im miserable :[




  1. your dad is probibly on the chat line on his phone and my dad did that before to and my pearents fought about that all the time i think you should privitly tell your mom when your dad is not around and tell her that he is cheeting on her and ask her not to say that you told her because depending on the type of person he is he might hit you 4 telling her so what you should do is privitly tell your mom the situation and tell her to not say you told her ask your mom why she is staying with him if he is doing things behind her back i know she might be staying with him for ither money or because he will abuse her if she dont butt ither talk to a concler or tell your mom you can talk to me if you like im 15 and im sure i can help i've been in many situations like that and sometimes if i tell my dad my dada will automaticly say i told her and he will abuse me or even hit me i feel your pain talt to someone at school about your problem or even a teacher or a friend im sure they can help good luck i hope everything turns out ok

    **** LUCK:)

  2. First be certain those texts are NOT going to your Mom.  Only if you are 100% sure, and you do not feel that you or you sister would be in any personal danger as a result, then tell your Mom.    Privately.

    Your Dad's behavior is not your fault and your Mom has every right to know.  It's not fair that your Dad has placed this heavy burden on you and your sister.  

    Once Mom knows, she can decide how to handle the situation.  She can choose whether or not to let him know how she found out.  Remember he is cheating.  You are not happy living with that knowledge.

    Best of luck to you.

  3. As much as it hurts i think that the best thing for u to do is to talk to ur mom about it...because like you said she does not deserve this n it is not fair dat your dad keeps on doing this behind her back n she not know about it. I mean if both you n ur sister noe den i think that it is best for your mom to also noe even if it does hurt her...cuz itz better for her to noe dan to keep gettin lied to...

  4. Let your father read this,

    you said alot.

  5. Your Dad is a JERK! Does your mom have a close friend or sister you could show the texts to?  This is to much for you to carry on your shoulders. Do you go to church? talk to the pastor or his wife.They will keep it confidential. Talk to a counselor at school too, just for yourself.Good luck and God Bless!

  6. tell your mom. she deserves to know. you shouldnt have to hide his secret.

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