
Family In the Bridal Party and a Few Other questions?

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Ok, I only have about two close female friends. I have other friends, but not people I feel close enough to be part of my bridal party. Anyway, one of these friends happens to be my younger cousin. She's going to be my MOH. My other friend will serve as a bridesmaid But, I'm thinking about letting her MOH and her do the speech together, since the three of us have been the best of friends for years. Plus, my other friend really can't serve as a traditional Maid of Honor because I'm having a Catholic Ceremony and she s Jewish. According to Catholic traditions, she would not be able to serve as a witness because she's not Catholic. Anyway, would it be odd to have two people making a speech at our reception. My friend (the one that's Jewish) always has the most sentimental things to say and is very well spoken, while my cousin has known me for 20+ years and she's also very funny, light-hearted and sweet. So, would having two people make a speech be odd?

My other question is about other bridal party members. My friend and my cousin will only leave me two adult female in my bridal party. My baby cousin (she's 5) will be serving as my flower girl. I have another younger cousin on my mom's side of the family (my MOH is from the same side of the family).

That will make 3 adults in the bridal party and my flower girl. However, I have one female cousin on my dad's side of the family. I'm thinking it will look very bad and rude to not include her, especially since my 3 female cousins from my mom's side will be in my bridal party. But, I'm just not that close to her. What should I do? Is it rude to not include her?




  1. She doesn't have to be Catholic...I had a Catholic ceremony and i think only one person in my bridal party was Catholic.  If she doesnt feel comfortable she will tell you no and you can see if she would like to do something else.

  2. If you have to think that hard about who belongs in your wedding, then they probably shouldn't be included in the actual bridal party. Just because you have female cousins doesn't mean they have to be included because you'll feel bad. Invite them to the wedding by all means but the bridal party is reserved only for your dearest and closest friends and family. You need to remind yourself that your wedding is about you and what you want. You can't make everyone happy so it's best to not even try. Include those who you feel comfortable and close enough with and just invite everyone else to attend. Ultimately they will all be a part of your special day and that's all that matters.  

  3. Erm...

    I'm having a catholic ceremony and I'M not even catholic, my fiance is. Don't leave her out because of her religion, she will be angry and hurt.

    Two people making a speech at the same time would be odd, but you could have them each do their own speech, if you wanted to.

    Also, it's your wedding, you choose who you want to be in it. No one can be mad if they were invited, unless it's your sister perhaps and you didn't invite them to be in the bridal party.

  4. First question:  It's perfectly fine to have 2 speeches!  Some people have even more...this is a time for people who love you (not just the wedding party) to toast you, celebrate you, and honor you so don't be surprised if others want to make a toast!  

    Second question:  If you have a fairly small family who tends to hold grudges, then yes, I would definitely ask the other cousin (on your dad's side) to be in the wedding.  It's just not worth the hassle in the years to come for you to leave her out.  Afterall, what will it hurt?  Only good can come of asking her to be in it.....whereas some bad could come if you don't ask her!  Take the easy way!  You have enough on your plate without having to deal with family drama! :)

    Congratulations & good luck.

  5. First of all, there is nothing wrong with the two of them speaking. They can even be creative with it. Leave that up to them, and secondly, only add your cousin on your dad's side because you want her in that position, don't do it out of pity

  6. Your Jewish friend CAN be an attendant and/or a witness; they do not have to be Catholic. If she's uncomfortable with it, that's a whole other thing.

    Yes, you can have two people speak at the reception program.

    You could have the other cousin - depending upon age - be an usher, do a reading at the ceremony, or sit at the guest book for the reception.

  7. Hi you can definitely have your 2 close friends of equal status, I think if you have them as chief bridesmaids it looks better unless they are both already married then they become Matron of honours.

    As for having a cousin you don't really know. You're going to be paying for their dresses, jewellery, flowers, shoes etc. Don't feel obligated to family that you don't know. i'm sure this other cousin realises that you aren't close and wont be offended!

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