My daughter is 17 years old and I have not seen her for 8 years. CSA are still trying to get me to pay and I have recently stopped paying when I decided if I was going to be sent to jail for not paying Child Support due to the fact it has now been proven that my ex wife decided that she was better than the law.
I have spent £68,000 in those years trying to get my rights and my court orders forced by the family court and they would not send her to court because of PMT, child Birth, holidays (School), Conflict of interest (She works for a solicitor), and again recently she has changed jobs and not informed the CSA.
In the long run, I can be sent to Jail for not paying Child Support but when she should of been sent to Jail for breaking court orders, she got a slapped wrist.
Where is the equality, fairness of the courts in the UK