
Family Law and Custody, Why do Women Win More Cases?

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Assuming women do get the lions share of custody battles.

A number of questions have been posted suggesting MRAs believe feminists are partly to blame for this, but my impression is that custody cases are usually determined by Traditionalist Sexist Men - in the family court system who maintain the Traditionalist belief that children should be raised by their mothers.

When MRAs put the blame at Feminisms door, are they simply barking up the wrong tree?

Can somebody set the record straight?




  1. The only time I have seen MRAs mention this is when they talk about what injustices men face in society. Not really blaming feminists, they are just giving an example that even in this evil patriarchy we live in it is possible that men might get the short end of the stick.

  2. It is the mindset of those behind those places of authority in law agencies .

    If you think that women are generally caretakers then imagine how this would influence the decesion making.

    Also it is a political trend.

    I saw cops episode and the cop clealry stated that in case of doemstic spousal dispute we simply pick up the guy and put him in the slammer.

    Implementation is what is required coupled with a gender neutral mind where justice is above and beyond all else.

  3. Benevolent sexism. The system still assumes that women are "naturally" more nurturing than men (which is sexist) and that they "naturally" make better parents.

    its bunk of course, anyone can be a bad parent regardless of their ownership of a p***s or a v****a.

    the so called "MRAs" that try to blame this on feminism havent analyzed this deeply enough. They assume that because something sexist seemingly benefits women that feminists must advocate it, except that we actually DO have a problem with being treated like less that human. shocking to some, i know :)

    Its a case of not being interested so much in fixing it, but in blaming people that have less power and fewer privileges.

  4. They aren't barking up the wrong tree, because feminists promoted the idea that men were unfit to raise children, among a whole host of dumb ideas people actually believed:

    It's hard to win a custody battle when you're a child molester from birth till death. Ironic really, since 2/3 of child abuse is perpetrated by the mother. Yes, the pure, virtuous mother who is the 'primary' parent. She's only that way because the baby needs breast milk in the early years. It can't come from anywhere else. And even if she abuses the child, she wins because the man's guilty until proven innocent. She's automatically better because she's biologically needed, nothing else.

    History only sees mothers with children because men were drafted to fight wars, out working in dangerous factories and risking their lives everyday to get one square meal for the family and getting themselves treated like cr*p for their family. It wasn't because men didn't care for their children or weren't good parents. It's exactly because he cared for his family that Papa was never around. But feminists have somehow convinced judges that this is because men are bad parents and don't care.

    There are consequences for this:

    I'm no MRA, but this is the truth. Having no father is more disastrous than no mother. Much more disastrous. After reading the stuff on the links, wouldn't you agree that the father is more important than the mother once the child loses biological dependence on mom?

  5. I think because a lot of the time, women are the primary care takers and the children are used to being around them more so it's better for the child to stay with them.  Plus the mother carried them for 9 months, gave birth to them and probably breast fed them, bonding with them.

  6. They don't.   When there is a real dispute men win custody 60% of the time.

  7. It's exactly as you say. Spot on.

    It's obvious that traditionalist, sexist men still exist, but instead of saying what they really think they attempt to discuise it by yet again shifting the blame to feminism. 'It's the feminists again .... Always the feminists'.....

    What they are really thinking is that as long as women are at home with the kids with tightly controlled child support allotments from the father, she has no power of her own.

  8. OK, you DO realize that there are very little to no MRA in this section right?   I think it would be better if you would just go to their website and ask this question at one of their message board.

  9. There was a time when MEN were routinely given custody of children in divorce matters.  I assume because  men made overwhelming higher salaries than women.  But the pendulum has swung the other way.

    Now the common notion is that unless one proves that a woman is an unfit mother, women routinely receive custody in divorce cases.  I cannot say who is to blame for this.  But it is our current reality

  10. "but my impression is that custody cases are usually determined by Traditionalist Sexist Men "

    Oh. I could kiss you for saying that! See, when we make decision we tend to think we are the supreme being & no other shoe can fit better. What you said is just an example of the ideas imbede in our minds. No record to set straight. Keep thinking, Twilight!

  11. It's not feminism. It's the family court system that is messed up. Nowadays, women are given primary custody by default. Some judges still hold archaic beliefs when it comes to who is better at raising children. Also, I firmly believe that there are judges that are biased against men in general. I've seen it with my own eyes. I'm not saying bias is necessarily widespread, but it is out there.

    Ideally, parents that split up could come to an agreement on child custody/visitation without court intervention. That is what is best for the child. We give the courts too much power when we ask them to decide these issues for us. They aren't always making the right decisions.

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