
Family Problems?!! geez?

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Okay so both my mum and dad work full time so they are hardly ever at home. I have 2 sisters and I'm the youngest one. I am always the only one at home and I'm finding it hard. We went from no parents working to all parents working because I'm at private school. I'm not close with my dad at all but I'm really close with my mum. My dad has been having trouble with legal stuff about his mum and stuff. He is starting to drink alto and he came back today and i think he was drunk. I'm not sure. I'm worried about him cause he always has a drink. my mum never sees this though. My sisters say that i shouldn'tt tell my mum but I'm really worried now. Also me and my sistersdintt always get along so at the momentI'mm feeling a bit alone. Any suggestions?? please help me thanks xox




  1. Believe me when I say this..your mum knows he is drinking, she is just not saying anything or maybe she doesn't know what to to her about your worries. I'm sure you mum knows that drinking wont solve you dads problems but talk to her anyway.

  2. do what you think is right. if you feel like your mother needs to know about this, then that is your decision and in my opinion, you have every right to tell her. Also Pray for your dad. Believe in prayer. ask the Lord to help you and your family in this rough situation. i believe with all my heart that things will be ok as long as you ask God to help. remember He loves you. and all things are possible through Him.

  3. i agree with pam, your mum knows and shes keepin it away from you and your sisters to protect you if u do mention it she will then realise that there has to be a way to stop it, talk to her it will put your mind at rest. xx

  4. Stay out of it, stop worrying and get a life of your own.  

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