
Family Problems yet again.?

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Ok so here is the thing i have a brother and a sister well half and one is almost 2 and the other is almost 1 and one sleeps in my moms room and the other one sleeps in the room next to her. Well in the morning the kids will wake her up by screaming and when she wakes up she screams for me to vaccum the house wash the dishes and get breakfast made for the kids and then get the kids out of bed change them and do all that stuff and then she gets up and sits on the couch. And threw out the day she will scream for me to take care of the simplest thing like gettin a sippy cup for one of the kids when its right there close to her. She doesnt have a job and she doesn't have any mental or physical problems. But she want to call me lazy and get me he** all day. And if i snap back once then i am the wrong one and i get chewed at and the babys father is just as lazy except he works I am 17 about to turn 18 in like 25 days and i am gonna go move in with another family member then because she wont let me now so what should i do until then i feel so overwhelmed i tried talking to her it doesn't help i have like no time to myself i stay up late at night to have time to myself but it doesn't work i fall asleep cuz that day was long.




  1. just wait until your 18. then you'll be able to get the h**l outta there.  

  2. Just stop doing the things she asks you to do. I know it's easier said then done, but don't let her push you around like that. And if she screams go outside for a walk or something.. Don't let her treat you like a piece of Sh*t, because, you are way better then she is!!! Tell her to get off her lazy a$$.. HAHA.

  3. Dude, just wait out the 25 days. You wont have to deal with her for long.....And you obviously have some time seeing as you posted this question......i'm not trying to be rude, it was just an observation.

  4. i hate these people that get all techinical and just say "try talking to a therapist" where the h**l is somone going through h**l going to find a therapist. listen what you have to do is find somone to talk to to get through the nights. all you have to do is hold out for the time being. find somone, anyone, and get them to talk to you on your cell if you have one, or on skype or something. im glad you havnt done what 80% of girls do in this case and just jumped on some random guy and convinced yourself that you love him, but do try to find a close friend to talk you through the hard times. and please dont break any hearts aside from your deadbeat mothers

  5. What about getting a job or something to keep you busy and out of the house

  6. Depends on what state you live in, but I live in Ga, and here, you can move out at 17.  Check into it.  Go to school.  Have a life.  You are way too young to have all those responsibilities on your shoulders.

    Good luck, hun.

  7. Tell her to take care of her own kids or you will call Child Protective Services for child neglect.

  8. yeeeeesh. that is tough! Good for you for helping out your siblings. Unfortunately you are not their mother and your mom is taking you for granted. What happens when you are at school all day???

    Since you already tried to talk to her maybe you could try to talk to the father of the baby and see if he can speak with her. You may also want to talk to another adult maybe the one you plan to move in with. Sometimes people need to hear things from another person to understand.

    Try to help out as much as you can over the next 25 days, but be sure your mom knows you will be leaving and understands all the you do that SHE will have to do when you are not there anymore.

    (check on your siblings often after you leave, if they are in danger or neglected in any way notify the proper authorities).  

  9. you're 17. you can still move ouut. i mean, your parents might not let youu, but if they tell the cops or something, they can't really do anything about it, especially if your going to be 18 that soon. i have a lot of family problems, too and i just stay at friends' houses ALL THE TIME! i'm never home cause i can't stand my dad's girlfriend. and i'm moving out this school year, and my dad isn't going to be able to do anything about it cause i already talked to my school counselor abouut it and she said that i could and the cops would just pretty much ignore it. and if you don't want to move out yet, then i suggest going to stay with a friend for a while and if they don't let you, then i would just do what they tell you to do and try not to get snotty with her. i know how hard that can be cause sometimes i just wanna punch my dad's girlfriend in the face! (: haha, but just try and you'll get through it. & trust me, i know EXACTLY how youu feel. :]  

  10. omg i feel so bad 4 u! talk to another family member about it and have that family member say something to ur mom. maybe than she will stop bugging u and she will get off her @$$ and do something!

  11. no

  12. That's tough!! I think you should just go with the flow until your birthday. 25 days will go by fast in the larger scheme of things. Just go with the flow and take it as it comes, then say PEACE OUT as soon as you can.

    Good luck.

  13. that's TOO LONG TO READ i didn't finish actually it didn't even start so???? can you help me  though? answer my questions;...

      oh yea if you have family issues go to a student counselor or a therapist or talk to a friend OR a family member LOL i know there's a lot of OR's ahaha hope this helps??

  14. Do what you can to stay strong until you're 18. I had an ex-girlfriend who went through the same thing. Hang in there and when the time comes...get out!

  15. wow i would say that you will have to put up with it until you are 18years old and move out another thing you can do is go get a part time job so that you will be away from the house fro a few hours so just bit your toung for just a lil while longer go with the flo and you be just fine but yea i would try to get a lil part time job and make plans to move out  

  16. life is hard when you the oldest to two toddlers expecally when your a girl alot of times they take on the role of mom even when they are not old enough to care for someone else it happens and im sorry that its happening to you in a few weeks it will be over and the bad hand that you have been dealt will be in your control. your going to miss your little siblings though. your mother and most mothers forget how much efford it takes to raise a baby so im absolutely sure she doesnt know how stressed you are. give it time its almost over try to keep into your studies though causewithoutt your diploma its going to be harder for you to find a job that will actually cover all your new bills and resposablities

  17. just  tell  them

  18. Oh my gosh, that sounds terrible. I don't really know how to answer that, all I an say is try to have a long deep chat with your mum so she can feel the pain for yhoo.

    Good luck,

    Rachel x*x

  19. Move out in 25 days.

  20. Emancipation from your mother

  21. You know your really a great kid! Most mothers would just love to have even half the help you have said you do with two under the age of 3.

    You could try getting a job that would force her to care for some of her children.

    I'm sorry you have things this way try spending the night at the families house a few times over the next few weeks( take stuff with and don't bring it back)

    Your really between a rock and a hard place, she had the children it's not your responsibility to care for these children. I feel bad for them when you do move out!

  22. wow- it sounds like your mom is a real winner!

    sorry that you are stuck playing her role. i would move out asap!

    i fell sorry for you. do you have friends you can stay with for a while?? maybe 'disapear' for a while- that will give your mom a dose of reality. it's her kids (not yours) she should be taking care of them AND you..

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