
Family Values Folks: Now, you're confusing me? Haven't you been telling us that mothers should stay at home?

by  |  earlier

0 LIKES UnLike take care of the children? Has your position changed with the recent selection of Mrs. Palin? If so, it's about time, IMO.




  1. Hope McCaine doesn't win, die and then we'll have the very scary lady.

    Imagine her talking to her delusion; she'd probably go after Iran or North Korea ... no, not North Korea - they haven't any oil there.

    Without ANY s*x education, other than abstinence only, you'd be inundated with pregnant seventeen year olds who couldn't abstain.

    Poor planet; I just know y'all will vote for McCaine.


  2. r u nut?  

  3. Yes, they should stay at home, if that's possible, at least while their children are young. That way they don't grow up without morals or stucture, or know that they are loved, and end up acting like animals like many in society today.

    It's been proven that children with "broken homes" are many times more likely to go to jail, drop out of school, get addicted to drugs, cause violence, and they also die younger and many other things.

    Children need family, not Big Brother.

  4. Palin should be at home taking care of her childern as well. She obviously neglected her 17 yr old daughter causing her to fornicate. If she can't even tend to her own household, how can she attend to the needs of Americans. Ba Hum Bug.

  5. "family values' folk are hypocrites as they only protect select families and they are into promoting hatred, bigotry, lies, intolerance and divided families

    they attack people who aren't on their side

  6. You missed the point of their argument.

    They mean that OUR women should stay home and tend the babies.

    THEY think they can do whatever they want. (Look how the ban on pre-marital s*x has suddenly vanished)

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