
Family business advice!!!!

by  |  earlier

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i have never felt so lost..i just graduated college and been in a consistent job search for three months now..and it's not going so well. I have sent 100's of emails and made phone calls to contacts and not getting anywhere...I really want to get out of the city I am living in now for a change and growing experience. Here is my other problem: My mother is my best friend and we are so close and compatible. Now that I have graduated college she is encouraging she and I do a business together. I get excited about it, then start feeling trapped like I need to do my own thing and i constantly crave independence because I can feel that I depend on her too much and feel co-dependent and it makes me feel weak and pathetic...but I know she and I could be successful and I could possibly make more money in the end with our own business. I just don't want to kill my own drive and end up feeling frustrated and resentful that I didn't do it the "right-way". Anyway, if anyone has any advice or can relate to this and has done a family business and has or had an outcome they learned from I'd so appreciate the feedback..




  1. There are so many business opportunities out there that your mother and you can run together and give you what you need of feeling Independent.  I would suggest looking into home based business opportunities.  They are easier to run, and have the same income opportunity as a traditional business without all the over head expenses.  You can run it Independently of each other (giving you the opportunity to make your own income and her to make her own income) as well as working the business together.

    There's an article on home based business opportunities that I recommend you reading.  A lot of information on this as well as several different industries to look into.  I think a team of mother and daughter is a great idea.  You'll stay close, building a business together as well as Independently.

  2. Run your business together ... and seperately. There's no reason you can't each run a division of the same company with complimentary products and services. For example if she sells clothing, you can sell accessories. If she sells seashells by the seashore, you can sell them in the heart of the city. You can compete and compliment each other thereby having your own responsibilities that you can regulate as "her job" and "your job" and yet merge talents.

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