
Family crest........?

by  |  earlier

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I have some family airlooms that have this common symbol on them. A friend mentioned that they are family crests. I dont know much of my family history, but my Mother's family is from former Yugoslavia.

The crest has, like A knights head, a shield thing.. and umn a dragon with a tail wrapped around its neck.

Anybody know anything about this crest? Im really interested to know more... any way where I can find out some further info.

thanks x*x Aleks




  1. It's probably not a "family" coat of arms. It's more likely a town or region's coat of arms. Individual families in that region weren't nobles with their own heraldry. They used a common coat of arms the way today's Americans use state flags. Many towns use their coat of arms the way American companies use a trademark. Here's one of the more popular examples from Boleslawiec:

    Here's an example of one town's coat of arms from that region which is similar to the one you described. There are literally hundreds that are shown on this site, so you can snoop around and see if you can find the one one your heirlooms.

  2. Here's a good site that tells what the marks mean

  3. How old are the heirlooms?  What are the specific heirlooms?  Are you able to put a picture of the symbol on the internet and post a link to it so we can may help some who are knowledgeable about it to help you.
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