
Family help please!?

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My bf has had a family thing planned for a while that we are going to.

My aunt, that lives in a dif state that i never see is coming to visit. It's my cousins 2nd birthday and I'll get to meet my 6 month old cousin for the first time ever!

My bf and his dad mad because i wont be able to go to his families thing!!

His dad is very family oriented. They always have family things.

His dad should understand that I have very lil family, because its so disfunctional i dont even see most of them. The lil family I have I never get to see.

So i finally have the opportunity and now I have to worry about how mad the bf and his family are gonna be!!! I just cant go right!!!

Whats a girl supposed to do???

My family is more important than anyone elses and quite frankly I dont care if his family likes me or not...

What do you all think about this ??




  1. I think you can split this up say:

    Your cousins and stuff are coming down at 12:00 and this thingy your  bf's family invited you to is at 4:00 than you can have time with both

    but if your family wants to see you the most just tell them you wont be gone long

    Your family is more important because you will always be able to see your bf so dont sweat it

    if your bf is mad at you because you want to spend time with your family than is he really worth it??

  2. If you can't fit both in, I would try to calmly explain to you bf and his family that your family is important too and you never get to see them.  I would visit with your own family and if your bf's family can't understand or respect that your family is important then they are not very "family oriented" people after all.

  3. Of course you need to spend time with YOUR family!  If your boyfriends family really is family oriented then they would not even hesitate to tell you "have fun we'll see you another day" If they don't see why you need to be with your family then that just makes them hypocrites. Go meet your baby cousin and have fun! They will get over it, and if they don't are those really the type of people you want to associate yourself with?
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