
Family in IL looking to adopt baby in US.?

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We are a loving family in ILlinois that is looking to adopt your child and give s/he a comfortable, happy life that will be filled with many opportunities. You can read more about our family at:

or call us at 888-488-BABY




  1. My only advise to you is not to work with a child that is going to be born in your state!!!  Illinois is one of the top 5 worst states as far as adotion laws goes.

    Good luck, be careful, there are many girls & women out there that use their pregnancies as a money making proposition.

  2. This is child solicitation, and it is illegal in many states and unethical in all.

    Please encourage ethical adoptions by going through a licensed agency where birthmothers can receive counseling, assistance, and legal reassurance of an open adoption.

    Solicitation from/of total strangers on the internet is dangerous for birthmothers, adoptive parents and children.

  3. Do you have an adoption attorney?

  4. As an adoptive parent, I do understand the desire of wanting a child, however, I need to caution you from advertising on the internet.  There are so many people out there who will scam potential adoptive parents.  The other problem is that many states have regulations on how you may find a child.  If they feel you are "advertising", they may prevent the adoption from being finalized.  I'd hate to see anyone go through that.

    That isn't to say that you can't network and tell everyone you know that you are interested in adoption.  That's how we met our bio-family.  Our neighbor knew someone who was making an adoption plan for their child.  

    Good luck to you.

  5. I wish you much luck in finding your special baby to adopt, we are in the process of fostering/adopting a 5 month old, please get involved with a trusted agency or County services as there are a lot of scam artists out here....good luck and lots of baby dust to you

  6. My sixteen yr old neice is pregnant and considoring adoption.

    I will let her know about you.

    best of luck!


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