
Family is expecting me to follow in my sister's footsteps?

by Guest61286  |  earlier

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my school offers an option where you can enroll to take classes at a local college in your junior and senior year. and you get 2 years of college paid for by the high school. my sister took this opportunity, and graduated in June from high school, and graduates in December from College.

I am going to be a sophmore this year. my entire family thinks that i am going to follow what my sister did. the problem is that im not comfortable doing this and taking this opportunity. im more attached to my high school than my sister ever was, and i have made so many new friends through a newly consolidated school district. and im just not wanting to throw all this away so i can get two free years of college.

my family is just so demanding in that i should take college classes and get the free education while i can. i tried to explain to my grandmother about my decision when she asked if i was going to do it or not. i told her no and she told me i was dumb for not taking the opportunity and running with it. now im afraid to tell my parents that i dont want to do it. im afraid they won't be accepting of the fact that im happy with my school life and im not comfortable with taking the college route. and im afraid i will become a failure in their eyes.

i am always afraid that i am disappointing them. how can i tell them about my decision without them being disappointed or upset about it? after the reaction i got from my grandmother it makes me afraid what my own parents are going to think. do you think they will be accepting of my choices in life? im stuck between a rock and a hard place. i know im smart, but at the same time i love my school and i dont want to leave. so how can i break it to them that im not following in my sister's footsteps?




  1. I can see both sides of this.

    There are some things to take into consideration, such as how much contact are you going to have with these people after high school? I thought I'd keep in touch with so many people after high school, I haven't. I moved on to college and made an entirely new set of friends there.

    Taking some classes while in high school can be a good choice. It's nice to have a little freedom in college to take some "fun" classes rather than having to follow the suggested class schedule in order to get all your required classes in.

    I started taking classes the summer after my 8th grade year. (I was in gifted program, so it was written into my IEP (Individual Education Plan) to do so.) Some were worthless, but some did count towards my major in college.

    Perhaps you could find a compromise? Such as taking a couple of the college classes, but also taking classes at high school too. Some of you friends may be taking the college courses, too!

    You have a year to think about it, too. So don't feel the need to give a decision right away.


  2. HAY! Long time no .. type! Lol!

    2 years of college free? Thats pretty good.

    But you do what YOU feel is comfortable.

    It's your life, your future, etc.

    But don't think of this as a chore, its just some extra work.

    What do you think your future self would say to you?

    Thanks for the 2 free years of college! I just saved 8,000 dollars!

    MAde alot of new friends on the way, lots of new opportunities, and found new ideas for my future


    I don't even want to go to college, and I wanted just to curse by normally in high school. If I choose to go to college, Ill pay for it.

    Tell your parents you want to focus on high school without this "opportunity"

    And that nothing they say will change your mind, only your own thoughts.

    You're not a failure for not wanting to do this! Shows you have your own mind and are not programmed like a robot by your parents.

    And even if you decide to go to college, its not impossible if you don't take this enrollment.

    but you never know, you may change your mind down the line!

    Maybe you can see if some of your fellow friends in your grade will take it with you.

    do what you want!

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