
Family is just mandatory friends?

by  |  earlier

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Agree or disagree and why?




  1. Unless there is a legitimate reason (like your relative is an abuser or a criminal) then I feel an effort should be made to maintain a relationship whenever possible. If not for your own sake, for the sake of your children or future children. They have a right to know, and be loved by, their family.

    With that being said, I come from a long line of family (both my side and my husband's side) who seem to want nothing to do with each other. It breaks my heart because I have two small children who will never know their cousins of the same age, just because the adults can't "grow up."

    I wish I could wave a magic wand and fix all the feuds and hurt feelings that so many of my relatives and in-laws seem to have, but it would take a miracle. When family chooses to live this way, holidays are strained and awkward... No one seems to call unless they need something... Conversation is nothing but small talk about "safe" subjects... And no one ever really KNOWS anyone. It's just not the way it should be.

  2. I disagree,just because you share the same blood line,it doesn't mean you automatically become friends,it's sad when family don't get along though,but i guess that's life.  

  3. i disagree. some family members are incapable of maintaining healthy friendships. so why subject myself to it. just because they are my family doesn't automatically pull rank on friendship if the are jerks

  4. you are stuck with your family but you chose your friends

  5. Disagree.  You do not have to maintain a relationship with your family if they have abused you, lied to you, stolen from you, etc.  It happens sometimes and a strong person will avoid contact with family members that are toxic.

  6. No... I disagree... my life has been living proof of that... one example... I have a brother that if we are in the same room together within 10 minutes we will be fighting... I haven't spoke with him in 5 years and he lives 20 minutes from me... I don't hate him we are just different... don't look at things the same way... he is a devil worshiper and is g*y behind his wifes back... I don't judge him... I just don't agree with him or like him... I believe in freedom of religion and I have several g*y friends... so don't go there with me on that issue...

    I have a aunt that I choose not to speak to because she lies and is selfish... to keep a guy, she was dating from being interested in me, which I was married and not interested, she told him I was pregnant and then had the nerve to ask me to buy her a house with money I inherited and she said she would put the house in her Will to go to me when she died... shes a nut case... these people are not my friends... they are my family... did I give good examples or what... is this proof... hope this answered your ????:-)))  

  7. I disagree , because sometimes , such as rape , or sexual abuse , etc a baby is born into a family that was totally unexpected and in some cases unwanted . That certainly does not mean that as the baby grows , heshe has to love everyone in the family or even any of the family . The baby had not choice and though God has a plan for everything , he still gave us freedom of choice on which way we go. So I have to totally disagree that a faily is mandatory friends .

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