
Family is on welfare. Can I get a job?

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My family is on welfare and my dad currently doesn't have a job.

I am a 17 year old male and theirs a few things I want to purchase for myself like clothes for the new school year, shoes, and I just want some daily spending money when I go out with friends to the movies and stuff.

My parents do give me money but I feel bad taking it from them because they can use it on better stuff like bills and gasoline.

I wanted to ask if I could get a job at like a store or something without having it affect the welfare we receive.

The clothes I want to buy alone for the new school year will be over $500 and that is too much for my parents to spend.




  1. i totally understand ur issue female and am in the same position ur in. However, i highley doubt u getting a job should affect the welfare u get because i had a job before, and if my families welfare went down, im pretty sure my parents would say something. Though, getting a job might be difficult. Mainly beacuse most places higher 18 and older and those who higher 16 and older are usually already taken. But don't let that keep ur hopes down! im 16, i have to pay for my phone bill and basically anything necessary and ofcrouse its not easy, but give it a shot!.i say go for it! Good Luck! =]

  2. u can work at restaurants like subways. mc donalds.

    jack in the box.

    some sotres dont even bother theirselves gettin ppl under 18. so those r some restaurants.

    can hire u.

  3. Yeah you can still get a job.. Why not apply for costco! They start off at $10 bucks ahour and they work around your school schedule also..

  4. Oh, you better look for a Public Library job opening near your community and at the same time you can have a chance to mingle with your regular clientele who might be of financial assistance when classes begins.

    Cheers!!!!!!! GOD BLESS THE CHILD.

  5. yes you can get a job.

  6. What kind of welfare? usually food stamps has to know HOUSEHOLD income.. everyone's.. which would include yours.. they run everyone's ss # that is old enough to work at least 1 x a year and every job you have had and every dime you have made comes up and if it hasn't been reported, you have to answer for that.. It's admirable that you want to make your own money but maybe you should consider something like mowing lawns or painting houses for cash, etc.. That seems like a lot of money for school clothes.. do you think you could get by with out name brand stuff a little cheaper.. NOMB.. just wondering.. it would easier on your parents to save money that way. It's nice of you to realize there are bills to be paid which are more important than going to the movies and stuff. GL but just know that your parents could get in trouble if you go to work and don't report it.

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