
Family member who won't stop nagging about church attendance?

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I have a family member who will not stop nagging us about being at church. It's not that we don't want to go, it's just that we're busy and can't always get there every single Sunday.

Sunday evenings we usually get together with the family (moms, dads, grandparents, cousins, etc.) and share a meal, and chat. But every time we can't make it to church, all you hear out of her mouth is: "Why weren't you in church today?" or "Where were you this morning?" or "Next week in church we're...." or "[Insert name here] from church said..." (obviously implying that we should be there) or "We miss you at church!" or "When can I expect you in church?" etc. etc. etc. Sometimes I really want to tell her to mind her own business, or tell her that she has enough on her own plate. (Keeping the details of that private)

What, exactly, can I tell her to shut her up?




  1. You could tell her that while you do believe in god, and you want to be at church, sometimes, rather than being at church every week you worship god in your own way, by living your life.  

  2. tell her that self righteousness and being a nag is also a sin.  

    however, you can also choose to not be so angry about this.  you can choose to think of it as her being caring enough to want you around.  ultimately you have just as little control over her as she has over you.  so ignore her and you dont have to feel bad about telling her that you will no longer respond to that line of questioning from her.

  3. That's exactly what you should tell her. But.. since you wrote here.. you probably won't. The best answer then is no answer. Just ignore her if you can't speak your mind. Walk away and say nothing. Let someone else handle it. Maybe they'll be the one to finally say. It's not your business.

  4. Tell her to WAKE UP.

    Going to church is for prissy christians. Ew.

  5. Tell her God came to you in the night and said "dear, I know how much church means to you and that you really want to be there, but I need you here today. I have things that you are going to be doing. I will forgive for not going to church every sunday, as I have plans on calling on your assistance a lot more in the future. If any one says anything to you, have them contact me directly and I will be happy to tell them what i have planned for you." Good Lucka nd God Bless.

  6. It depends. If she's only saying something once, I think you should just answer politely. Her intentions are good, I'm sure: She just wants to let you know that you're missed when you aren't there. I'm sure it can be annoying, but at least she cares. So, unless she's mentioning it more than once in the same week, I think you should just say, "Thanks for mentioning that," and change the subject.

  7. Tell her that going to church every week is only if the person strongly believes in it.  Its not any of your business if she wants to go or not, nor is it any of her business if you go or not.  You can't just make people go to church if they can't make it.  Or you could just tell her to stop.  The next time she nags your family, say, "Zip it.  We don't care about your activities at the place you call Church."

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