
Family members dont like our name!! what do you think?

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I know it shouldnt make any difference as to what other people think but this is my own family, almost every single member has slated the name my partner and I have chosen for our son due sep.

The Name is 'Marley' and we fell in love with it a few months back. When I told my family they hated it! A few have been trying to put me off it! Some have said I cant call him that because his surname will begin with 'M' too and it doesnt sound right. Whereas others have taken it to extremes like "he'll never get a job with a name like that" and id be practically asking for racial descrimination! (Im white and my partner's black, so baby's guna be mixed race). Also they've compared it to 'Bob Marley' and how otha kids will pick up on it and bully him. How can they be so rude about it? Its upset me so much. Its up to me and my partner and they'll have to accept it right?




  1. It's your son you can call him what you like.

  2. I don't really care for that name but it's not the worst I've heard. Marley does sound a bit girly. As for the family thing. You should follow their advices and think for yourself at the same time. I do think "Bob Marley" immediately and maybe your son will grow tired of the connection?

    What do you think about Marlon? Or Mark? Marcus? Martin? Marvin?

  3. I love the name Marley go for it he's ur baby not theirs, and they' be more upset if u called him something really silly.

  4. I think it is lovely

    And it is YOUR baby not your families.

    I think that you need to keep this name, and your family will grow to love it


  5. It sounds kind of girly to me..

    He might get teased in school.

    At the end of the day Its your child though, go with what you love.

  6. Jacob Marley, A Christmas Carol, by Charles Dickens

  7. Marley is awesome and so original I love it adults might pick up on bob Marley but kids below 15 wont think of Bob Marley!

  8. Your right! They will just have to accept it and good on you for sticking to your guns! There is nothing wrong with the name Marley, I think it sounds real cute! Go for it and telll everyone who doesn't like it to accept it and keep there opinions to themselves and stop disrespecting you and your son! Good Luck xx

  9. i think its a nice name :) but remember its not just what you think, if you wanna call him that then thats fine, but remember you dont want to give him a name no onewill like! or he wont like.

  10. lol marley is from "i am legend", will smith's character's daughter (who is obviously black).

    cute name. thats what i think.

  11. You MUST stick to your guns, our families didn't like the names we chose, they even said you can't afford to send him to a school where that name will fit in, however my kids are now 4 yr, 3 yrs, 2yrs and 10 mths and we are forever getting complimented on their names. If you let other sway you, you will regret it, naming your child is a very special honour that he will carry with him through life. ps Marley is fabulous.

  12. What's wrong with that? It's better than alot of the happy crappy names you see on here. Go ahead, if you like it I don't see it causing him any problems. I think its quite unique without being funny.  Go girl!!

  13. Absolutely... Marley is a really cute name!

  14. You're right it is your choice.... and you can go with it if you want to.

    I'd have to say I agree with your family on this one though, I don't like Marley as a name at all

  15. Marleys a girl name.

    but everything the said is untrue.

    nobody cares what your name is when you get a job and bob marley is an idol.

  16. I don't like the name Marley.  It is usually either a last name, or a girls name.  I can't find much history of it being a name given to boys.

    Ultimately, though, it is your decision.

  17. Marley is a beautiful name & I understand how you friend went through this and her family members were saying they would call her daughter a different name because they hated the name she had chosen so much BUT as soon as she had the child and went along with the name their views changed. They now never complain and just love the child dearly.

    I'd stand you're ground and show them you love the name, you love you're child and you are going to do what you want with YOU'RE child.

  18. Marley is a pretty popular name here in the UK. We had the same problem when we were discussing baby names with our family members, none of them liked our original names but we just said 'oh well' and ignored them. If you are anything like me, your hormones will be raging right now so it will be making you more emotional about their blatant rudeness. Just ignore them, name your baby whatever you like and pay no attention to their comments on him never getting a job or racial discrimination - this is 2008, not 1958!

  19. While it is not my choice, I also do not like the name for a boy. I have known 2 girls named Marley and it seems ok

    However, it is your baby and you get to name him, You will just have to say politely

    "I'm sorry you don't care for it but it is what we have chosen so we would appreciate your support and good wishes for a healthy son."

  20. It's your son, call him what you like.  But I would make sure, that the name you choose for him, is one that he can't get made fun of.

  21. I agree but have you considered any other names. Heres one thats kinda out there and unique Kidone(kid-on-ee) also kid one. kinda cute. I like unique names. Heres a few ideas:

    mason, bryson, landon, maybe a mix of your and his name. Just a suggestion but its your baby name him as you please. Good luck and Congrats. Race isn't the issue Hes one of Gods children and people need to get off the whole race issue. Bob Marley was very talented also. GOOD LUCK!!!!!

  22. Yes

    Marley is a great name

    If you and your partner like it , thats all that matters

    Your family will not love him any less cause of his name

    So go for it

    Maybe you could ask your family members to help choose a middle name , this may keep the peace


  23. Well it is your son and I am see where you are coming from because it is upsetting when family dont like the name you LOVE. I havent released names I like to others apart from on here. I LOVE Riley, Aaron,Jonathan and Aaden for boys and I am not sure how they will like Riley. For girls Katie which they will love and the others I am not sure. I think it is a cute name Marley. It is up to you if you love it so much they will grow to love it like you did. :) Good luck and congrats

  24. I really like the name Marley! I think it is really individual, and the kids wont pick up on it at all, I don't think anyway.

    Here are some other similar names that you might want to consider:





  25. You should not worry about your family, I think they should be happy for you and the baby and accept the name you and your partner picked out, it is your child after all.

    I have no problem with the name Marley. It's not on my favourites list but I would not call it a bad name.

  26. It is your child and they will have to accept it.

    My partner's father did not like it when we named our daughter Courtney. But it was our choice and he has accepted it now.

  27. if its what you and your partner have decided upon then go for it.i named my boys jack connor and maleke the first two are white and my third is mixed race his dad chose the name and people in my family didnt like it ,i think that the name suits him and hes nearly 5 and no regrets on the name. i like marley

  28. Marley??

  29. i like the name and its your baby so you can name it what ever you want to even if you wanna name it blanket like micheal jakson did its up to you not your family

  30. They will accept is eventually. It is none of their business what you name your child. My family hated the name we picked for our first child, even went to the extreme to say it sounded like a prostitutes name! However when she was born they all seemed to forget this, when the baby is actually here is won't matter to them. I agree though, it is heartbreaking when you love a name and your famuily say they hate it. They will come around and in the meantime just try and ignore it (easier said than done, i know).

    By the way i think the name Marley is lovely, we watched 'I Am Legend' when i was pregnant and really liked the name (it is Will Smiths Kids name in that), but whe she came she looked more like an Abi!!

    Oh and he will not get picked on because of his name, there are way more out there names than Marley at the moment!

  31. He's your baby u cant let your family tell you otherwise!

    once he is born and they'll see its ur decision as to what u call him, and if u want to call him marley go for it....

    wen i have a little girl i am going to call her meadow-ella-ava-iris but we're not going to tell anyone untill she is born because i know my family wont like it but she will b my child and if i want to call her tht i will!!

    hope this helps x

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