
Family mount class (uk)?

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I was wondering if anyone knows what is required in a family mount class at a show. What each rider is required to do, how many riders etc.




  1. For a family horse/pony class you will need preferably a native type like a New Forest.  It must be bomproof and be seen to be so.  It must stand quietly in the line up.  The judge will ask you to do your 'show'.  For this you must walk, trot and canter.  The horse must behave impeccably - and this is what is looked for - so that it suits the whole family and can take children without it being difficult or unhandleable.

    The judge will ask you questions about it, what you do with it, how it behaves in the field, easy to catch and release all that kind of thing.  She will then judge its conformation, and whether it is typical of its breed.  From all that she will choose the winner of the class.

    We have Just Dougal, a 13.2hh welsh forest cross, well covered with a fabulous round bottom, he looks serious and intent on what he is doing, knows exactly how to behave in front of the judge, performs brilliantly and has never ever failed to win the class.  Its just the most fun and I miss it dreadfully now he is 17 and daughter is on to serious dressage on her german schoolmaster who is 17:3hh !

    Oh for those FUN days!!

  2. do you mean family horse or pony??

    if so then i can help!!

    you need a queit horse or pony and a novice rider. depending on how novice the rider can either ride alone or can have a person leading the horse (recommended for a total novice or young child). basically the piont of the class is to prove how quiet and well suited to a family the horse or pony is. the horse should be welll behaved, easy to control and unflappable in the ring.

    the judge may ask some questions about the horse or pony to see how much of a family horse the animal is.

    and you should reply with things that make the horse sound good.

    hope this helps!

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