
Family moving with a 12 year old daughter. How do I help her cope and adjust?

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My husband got a great new job that he is excited about, however it means that we will have to move. My daughter (from a previous relationship- and currently my only child) seems a little scared about the move. She has only lived in this one place her whole life. How do I help her cope and adjust? Also, any suggestions for helping her make new friends? Friends are soooo important at this age...




  1. just let her be her

    dot try to but in. just let her be her

  2. Children are resilient.  Do not make a big deal about her feelings, that is not to say you should not have empathy, just don't add to her distress by having your own.  When you move get her involved with school and community activities.  City league teams are forming right now, and even thought it is past the deadline for some teams you may be able to get her on one since you just moved.  Invite the neighbors and their children over for a picnic or pizza party so that she can get to know some kids in a non threatening environment.  She will be fine.

  3. Get her involved in the community, where she will meet other kids her age. Such as a church group, sports, etc. Encourage her to invite kids from school over and offer to take them to the movies or something fun. It is hard, I have moved a ton and I am only 13 but she will make new friends. Also help her stay in touch with her old friends too. Maybe let her go back and visit and stay with one of her old friends for a week this summer. Good luck :)

  4. I was that age when we moved about a yr. ago and I was depressed about a yr. after wards, ahhh... it sucked, I moved to a place where I was not widely excepted. Just pay extra attention to her, and let her spend alot of time with her friends right before the move ( I swear I would have died if my mom didn't let me have three blowout  sleep overs with my verry best friend before we left!) and then when she does make new friends make sure that U let her have friends over, just U know make sure she has opprotunities to have friends over. Oh, and yeah don't ask her "did U make new friens?" cause my parents asked me that every ten seconds, it was annoying and it made me feel pathetic. Trust me when your parents act like they think u are anti-social, it actually does make U a little bit that way.

  5. Why don't you see if a friend can come with you for a week when you first move. Also let her pick her new room and set it up how she likes. Maybe ask if you can paint it the same color as her old room. Put her in scouts or guides to help make friends. Don't push school the first few days let her adjust to the new surroundings. Expect grades to drop a little at the beginning. People remember stuff better if you're quizzed in the surroundings the material was learnt it in.

  6. When I was 12, the same thing happened to me. Why don't you see if someone can give her a tour of the new school? Let her pick out a brand new outfit for the first day, and offer to do her hair or paint her nails. Be super nice to her for the first few months, and words of encouragement do miracles.

    Also, let her have a huge sleepover with her friends.

  7. honestly the only thing you can do is comfort her and hope she finds friends. spend more time with her, go around the new town and meet people. it takes a while to get use to things but eventually she will adjust. sorry i cant be more help but there is really no way to help her cope besides time.

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