I have these stunning cardinals and yellow finches that frequent my backyard. A long time ago, I noticed what looked like large mice (hopefully not rats!) in my backyard. I saw them infrequently, and didn't think much of them. However, this summer, the safflower that I bought to attratct the Cardinals, have become a favorite and I started noticing 4 large mice going after the fallen seed. The other day, I hung a seed catcher to deter them. Today, I noticed 4 baby mice. They were trying to crawl up my bench swing. Pretty aggressive dudes! This might seem cute--but I have a tiny backyard and my door is only feet away. I don't want to kill the mice, but I want them to go away. Any ideas of stuff that I can perhaps put on the ground to make them go somewhere else? I really enjoy watching my birds. The mice are cute too, but I am afraid that I am going to have a major home infestation if this continues. Help!!!!