
Family of fieldmice eating fallen birdseed from feeder. Don't want to kill them--they're multiplying! Help!

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I have these stunning cardinals and yellow finches that frequent my backyard. A long time ago, I noticed what looked like large mice (hopefully not rats!) in my backyard. I saw them infrequently, and didn't think much of them. However, this summer, the safflower that I bought to attratct the Cardinals, have become a favorite and I started noticing 4 large mice going after the fallen seed. The other day, I hung a seed catcher to deter them. Today, I noticed 4 baby mice. They were trying to crawl up my bench swing. Pretty aggressive dudes! This might seem cute--but I have a tiny backyard and my door is only feet away. I don't want to kill the mice, but I want them to go away. Any ideas of stuff that I can perhaps put on the ground to make them go somewhere else? I really enjoy watching my birds. The mice are cute too, but I am afraid that I am going to have a major home infestation if this continues. Help!!!!






  1. You could get some used cat litter (no p**p, non-clumping preferably) from a friend and sprinkle it liberally around the area below the feeder. The smell of cat urine spooks most rodents away!

    Supposedly they dislike the smell of heavily-scented dryer sheets as well...

  2. have you ever seen one of those traps that trap mice but don't kill them? i googled it and this is what i found :Put a dab of peanutbutter in the bottom of a jar or drinking glass.

    Turn the jar upside down and prop it up on a nickel.

    A penny isn't big enough and the mouse will knock the glass over before getting under it.

    A nickel is the right coin to use.

    Do this somewhere mice can get to.

    In the morning if you're lucky you'll find something like this.

    A mouse crawled under the edge of the glass to get to the peanut butter.

    Then it knocked the glass off the coin while jumping at the peanut butter.

    You've caught a mouse

  3. I honestly don't know what to tell you except call animal control in your area and see what they suggest. Field mice can be harmless but your right, they multipy as fast as bunnies do and can get out of control. Maybe get some no kill cages and set them up where they like to eat when the feeder is out of food. Once you've caught them, re-locate them far away from your home

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