
Family problems. Please help!?

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Hey, I'm 13, and I have an older sister and my 2 cousins who live down the street. One of my cousins is my age, and we get along really well most of the time. My other cousin is 16, and my sister is a few months younger than my oldest cousin. I am the baby of the family. Whenever all 4 of us are together, they usually feel like targeting me, and I become a victim to their bullying. The cousin my age, she doesnt do anything, she usualy just sits there. she never actualy intentionaly hurts me (emotionally) but she doesnt try to stop it either. A few days ago, we were all in my older cousins room, looking at this magasine. This girl with an extremely bad unibrow came up on this one page. My sister said "Wow, those are bushy eyebrows! Their even bushier than yours Jessica." Everyone laughed. I usualy just laugh along with them about the jokes they make about me, but sometimes its hard, I get really sad, what do I do?Lately, we've beent talking about bra sizes.what if this gets personal?




  1. btw i completed the sims 2 give me your email and ill email you how to do it :)

  2. First of all bra sizes are fact their might even be a study out there that shows that large bra sizes may be directly proportional to small brain syndrome. But seriously your period is a natural thing. No worries. Don't worry about bra size 'cause you are letting plastic surgeons run their business. Nothing is better than natural...small is pretty. If they keep picking on you, its because you let it get under your skin. If you are tired about this, find something you like that will demark yourself and get better at it. Whatever you do, don't stoop to their level 'cause that does not make it any better.

  3. Tell them what you are feeling.How can they know what your going through if you don't say anything?Yes its wrong what they're doing but its up to you to stop it.

  4. when i was 13, my b***s were tiny and i didnt get my period until i was 14, right at the end of year 9.

    my b***s are the biggest out of my group of friends now haha!

    so dont stress about that!

    just tell them that you dont like it, or get your cousin to stand up for you.

    its natural for one person to be the target of the group, with my and my cousins its my youngest cousin, but we dont want to hurt her, its just a bit of a laugh. but if its really bothering you, id tell them to stop, because if my cousin told me id hurt her feelings id stop straight away.

    im 16 btw xx

  5. You sound like you are handling this bullying very well.  It's hurtful but you pretend you don't care.  That's good because they'll lose interest in you as a target.  Stick to the nice cousin and avoid these foursomes.  Can you speak to your sister?  Can you tell her you don't like the person she becomes when she's with your older cousin?  Just remember one thing though.....hurtful personal comments are just that....comments.  They are NOT true.  Don't ever believe what they say if they are being nasty to you.  You know you haven't got bushy eyebrows so laughing it off was a good way of replying.  If they say you are flat chested, say better than being like a huge baloon like you.  If they say you have big b***s, say better than being flat as a pancake like you.  Giving back as good as you get might stop them.  The main thing is to show them that they can't hurt you (even if they do) and NEVER take to heart what they say about you.  It only bothers you because you lack confidence which is quite normal at the age of 13.  Tell yourself every day that you are the most wonderful person in the world.  If you say it enough, you'll start to believe it and then, whatever nasty comments come your way, you'll have the confidence to REALLY ignore them.

  6. ciao non ho kapito nnt..xk sono italiana!!

  7. You shouldn't let it bother you i get comments all the time of stuff like man u Americans are so stupid u can't even find yourself on a map when i am in Canada and when i am in the us i get u Canadians are so high on themselves so he is to it is usually they are jealous of something or they are piked on at school and take it out on you. But it always helped me to talk to a good friend to get something out because  if i kept it to my self it just got worse and worse. O and make sure it is someone who will listen to u like i am a guy and my best friend i talked to was a girl so it doesn't matter who it is:)

  8. Tell them how you feel!  Maybe they don't realize that the things they are saying are really hurting you.  Tell them that when they make mean jokes it makes you feel really bad.  Ask them to stop, and if they don't then tell a parent or someone.  If this continues for a while, it can lead to much worse things.  Good luck!

  9. I think you need to talk to them about how you feel..

    Tell them that you get hurt when they insult you.. and if they continue to do it to you they arent true friends.. && also the cousin who is your age im pretty sure she also thinks what their doing to you is wrong.  Stand up for yourself or find new friends.  People shouldnt treat you like that.. its very cruel


  10. I completely understand your problem and being the "baby" isn't easy.  What I would like to see you do is this . . . don't let their insensitive comments bother you.  If they talk about your boob ( or lack there of for now) smile and say yeah, aren't they perfect for my body size for now?  

    Let their comments roll off your back and don't let them know it bothers you.  And you know what?  It shouldn't.  You are a very young lady and you and your body have a lot of maturing to do.  As for your period. . . I would laugh and say, "thank God I don't have to worry with that mess and the mood swings that you guys are dealing with yet"   or something like that.

    on another note, your cousin your age is not stepping up for you because she doesn't want to be a victim as well.  

    you can stop this just by refusing to be the victim and you can do with grace and charm.  If it continues and it makes you uncomfortable, let the older girls do their thing and you and your cousin do yours.

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