My family has been going through some problems the past 2 years...let me start from the beginning...i was a heavy coke user 2 years ago, and no one in my family knew my make a long story short, i overdosed one day and the first person i called was my little sister (she's 3 years younger than i am...i am 23). she came to my rescue, but at the hospital is when it all hit the fan for me and my after my parents found out, it was h**l everyday. anyways, i got clean (been clean for a year), but now i find out that my sister is doing coke also. i went crazy. she didn't listen to me and just last night, her boyfriend's mom called my mom to tell her what she saw (she found a baggy in her house). now i'm trying not to get involved because then my parents will think this is my fault and that i knew all along and didn't tell them....
i don't know if i should get involved in the drama or to stay away and let her fix her own mistakes...what should i do about this? my dad told me to stay away because he already suspects that i had something to do with it...i'm so worried and confused.