

by Guest32720  |  earlier

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Okay so my parents separated and divorced a little over a year ago. I live with my mom, I've never gotten along with my dad. Upon the divorce found out things about my parents relationship that pointed to something was never right. This woman contacted me on myspace saying that before my parents were married her and my father had a brief relationship that ultimately left her pregnant with my half brother. Anyway I want to discuss this situation with my mom but I don't know how to do it? Suggestions?

I forgot to mention I do not have any contact with my dad. And I'm 18. So my decision here. And I do know that my dad was not a faithful man.

The divorce may be recent however my mom is dating. My dad was an alcoholic mess. He was nasty to both of us for many years.

My mom and I get along very well. So I feel that I should discuss this with her.

I've also asked the woman questions that only someone who actually knew my family would know and she answered them correctly.




  1. that story is heart breaking............i believe that you should tell your mom something.........its better she finds out now than later, and she will eventually find me......things like this always eventually find a way of coming out into the open.let it come out from you... you should start off by saying i love you and tell her that you are both in this situation together. let her know that it was not her fault that he was an unfaithful drunk and that she could not have helped it...after this both of you should decide what 2 do 2gether......GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i wish you luck

  2. You should honestly sit down with your mom and talk to her one on one. Do it during the right time like when she's in a good mood or feels like talking. Tell her the situation first about how the lady contacted you and everything then explain to her your feelings and why you decided to tell her. Maybe you guys should consider counseling.

  3. So what if she did. Again, none of this is your business, its your dad's. Refer her to him, if she can find you, she can find him.  

  4. I think you need to ask yourself this, how will your mom react to the news that your dad had an affair and fathered a child?  will she be upset, or say I know he was unfaithful with other women.  If you think that she will be fine with all this then sit her down and talk to her.  And if you plan on meeting this woman and your half brother, I think that you may want to talk to her.

  5. Why would she contact you with the info? Very wrong on her part! ( hugs to you). I would simply show your mom what she wrote you. Sorry your Dad has issues...keep in mind his issues have nothing to do with you.

  6. Just tell you mom straight up. Tell her you were contacted by this random woman and tell her you have a half brother. I'm sure you don't want to know this half brother of yours, since your dad was such an a$$ to you and your mother. So just be honest with your mom.

  7. okay--my question to you is why? why would you want to talk to your mother about this? is it because you would want to meet the brother? or the other woman? I would be nervous it would hurt your mother---but, on the other hand--if your looking for guidance she would be a good person to go too for advice--especially with all ya'll have been thru--Good Luck!~

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