
Family sizes, big or small family?

by Guest57664  |  earlier

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This might be a bit of weird question but me and my friend where reading this article

And she said that she wanted 2 children and I said I wanted 3-4 children. I was just interested in how many children people would like to have in an ideal world.





  1. I don't know I come from a big family and I hate it. I think I'd probably like two or four. An even number and not an odd number because I don't want a kid to feel left out.

  2. 4 children or more if poss


  3. When i get older and get married i want to have two children.

    Not twins though.

    Maybe only one...

    I dont know lol

  4. b4 i married i agreed with my husband on 4 or 5, but in my head i was secretly imagining more like 9.. but now i have sum health probs so i think 4 or 5 will do just fine, i have 2 now n i'm 23, so i have plenty of time to spread them out, maybe the oldest (now 4) will b able to help more around the house by the time i have another one.  

  5. I'm A Tiny Bit Weird, But Hey?!?

    I Wouldn't Mind 12 - 14. But As You Said In An Ideal World & This Isn't An Ideal World Lol.

    I'd Be Happy With That Many, But If Not Then It Just Wasn't Ment To Happen Lol

    Im Hoping And Planning On At Least 6 Lmaoo.

  6. I would have 2 children. I don't really want to have a large family because taking care of children is hard work. You have to feed them, cloth them, wash them and be there to take care of them especially when they are unwell. Also there's finances to be taken into consideration.

    I hope this helps. Take care always.

  7. Id like

    to have 3 children.

    But hey, if 5 pop out instead

    then that's okay with me, the more the merrier!

  8. LOL an Ideal world huh.

    That is far from what we live in.

    This will sound ugly but the world is over populated as is. BUT on a different note.

    As long as you can take care of them and love them and everything else that goes along with it 3 or 4 can be fine.

    I have two sets of twins. (Neither of which was planned)

    I wanted no kids because of this ugly world.

    I love and would never take my children back now that I have them.

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