We had a small credit to order wedding photos for around our house, but as family comes over, they are handing us lists of the pictures they want....with no offer to buy them, basically for us to buy them and distribute.
Our photographer charges between 12-18 dollars per picture and we are already up to 20 pictures that family have ordered from us, not including the FOUR we wanted. Right now, that's maximum $360 dollars out of our pocket....and my husband's parents are planning on ordering some as well as his sister. I just can't see spending $500 in pictures as gifts.
Our wedding photos are also up online and there is an option to purchase them that way....but no one is doing it, they are all expecting us to buy them. I can see if they wanted one picture a piece...maybe two or three, but this isn't the case.
Should I just fork over the dough and zip my lips or should I call some family members back and ask them to narrow the choices down to two pictures a person?