
Famous Chilean person?

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Alright, i have been looking all over the internet to find this famous chilean person (im pretty sure hes from chile) i always see his picture its like of his face and its a black and white pic and once i saw a picture of him on a plane

Yes it is a weird question lol




  1. The only famous Chilean person I know is Pablo Neruda, the greatest poet ever:)

  2. Chile - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    ... change, however, and 19th century Chilean society preserved the essence of the ... Chile's most famous poet, however, is Pablo Neruda, who also won the ... - 235k - Cached

  3. If I had to venture a guess, I would say you are thinking of Che Guevara as well. He is from Argentina though, right next to Chile.

  4. famous Chilean person in black & white?

    N° 1.-  Pablo Neruda, poet and winner of the nobel prize in 1971

    N° 2 .- Salvador Allende, Socialist president between 1970-1973 who's goverment  was so  bad that it almost turned in a civil war and finnaly ended with an internal military attack, diying with his own machine gun.

    N° 3.- Augusto Pinochet,  in September 11 1973, he became a dictator  after a coup d'état over Salvador Allende.  

    I can't think of anyone else in B&W

  5. He's not Chilean but maybe you're thinking of Che Guevara... He has the beret with the star on it and kind of a scruffy beard.

    The Wiki link is here:
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