
Famous Grouse vs Jack Daniels?

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which do people prefer and think is the superior drink?




  1. if i had to pick one not for me i dont drink jd.

  2. JD is a whiskey.  Famous Grouse is a Scotch.  Personally, I like Scotch and won't drink whiskey.  My pick would be Famous Grouse.

  3. Famous Grouse is made from malt and Jack Daniels is made from corn - that's like comparing apples to oranges.  

  4. > orf1943: All Scotch is whisky, and Jack is a Tennessee Style Whisky. So you prefer Bourbons and T.S. Whiskies to Scotch Whiskies.

    Anyway, I personally think Grouse is a vastly superior whisky, and a good overall blend. As for Jack, I'll take the Single Barrel and nothing else from Tennessee, thanks. Jack Black and Green are too sugary, too syrupy and too flat and charred, but that's just me.

    Worldwide it's hard to say because hard numbers are rare. Grouse is number 1 in Scotland (or it was a few years ago, Bell might be beating it now) while Johnnie Walker is the biggest Scotch blend in the world. Jack takes the Tennessee crown, but there are only a few others competing for it. In Bourbon+Tennessee it's almost certainly still the biggest seller.

  5. Famous Grouse all the way  

  6. Jack........Jack Daniels makes a smoother whiskey called Gentlemen Jack which doesn't have the bite of blackjack..

    Jack ain't no sippin whiskey to me...Jack is the stuff rowdy honky tonks are made of...........yeehaw...

  7. Jack Daniels i like much better i only had grouse once and thought it was okay.

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