
Famous Lyrics: Everyone should know!?

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somthing a somthing on the somthing somthing somthing somthing to be somthing

And you somthing somthing somthing have somthing somthing

somthing a somthing by somthing somthing a somthing somthing somthing

Sometimes somthing of our somthing are somthing

just a easy one for the afternoon




  1. k

  2. lol, have you tried google

    is it him with the big hair, or is it by a little chap ;)

  3. Yeah, I know that song. It's "Something for Something" by Something or Other.

  4. it's called "All Our Something's Go To Nothing" by The Idiots.

  5. no everbody should know simple kind of man by leonard skynard.  ' my momma told me to be a simple kind of man, something you love and understand."

  6. Oh! Someone!

    I haven't heard Something by Someone for ages, thanks.

  7. The something song! lol. I dunno, I'm assuming by "just an easy one for the afternoon" you're being sarcastic! I haven't a clue what it is!!

  8. what the h**l??

  9. Okay, I tried to hold this in, but I can't any longer... obamas1momma... That's not how you spell Lynyrd Skynyrd (or as they first spelt it, Leonard Skinnerd), the name of the song is just Simple Man, and that is not how the lyrics go...

    As for your question, I don't feel the need to bother people with a lame joke answer...

  10. sunny afternoon by the Kinks......

  11. Oooh I know it.........Its the one that ends

    Something, something something in it something,

    something something and something and something.

    Isnt it?

  12. that is evil

  13. It's "Mysterious Whatchamacallit" by Enigma and the Widgets.

  14. I know this song! My sister sings it ALL the time.

  15. If you don't know Happy Birthday you are a f****n r****d. No offense to the retarded.

  16. Under The Boardwalk of course!

  17. With all due respect.....


  18. haha you are kidding me!

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