
Famous figure skater?

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I enjoy ice skating- alot. i have taken plenty of classes and am on a high level. i know jumps and spins and more facy tricks, some that i have even made up. if i continue taking my lessons, in a few years i can go on to the olympics. but i dont know if i wanna get serious with iceskating. i only like it cuz its fun. but if i get way serious then i dont know if i will really like it all tht much. it happened with dance. i dont wanna lose this hobby. but i would enjoy going onto major competition. i also want time for study, as i care abot tht too. plz help me! wat can i do? should i become serious and take more classes? or should i just do it for fun? I am barely a teen, yet. i need help on this NOW if the answer is yes for going to the olmpics. THX!




  1. Two things: (1) I know it seems like it, but this isn't an all-or-nothing decision.  You can get a little serious about it now and see how you feel.  If you like it, keep going.  If it seems overwhelming and you're starting to dislike skating because of it, cut back on it a little.  You can test the waters without diving in head first.  (2)  Seriously think about why it was that you stopped liking dance.  Was it because you were pushed by your parents or coaches?  Was it because it took you away from friends or other activities?  Knowing what you don't want to happen with skating can help you understand what choices you want to make.  If you know that it's important to have time for friends or other activities, then only get as involved in skating as allows you to maintain those other aspects of life.  If it's about coaches, try to find a coach who has a similar mentality as you.  Good luck!

  2. I would go for it! even if you need to study it's ok....yes you should become more serius I think you just do for serious and fun oh wwelll then your too young to go to the olympics just a few more years then you will be able to!

  3. It is possible to continue skating and do competitions without being overly serious about the sport.  Most skaters will never reach Olympic level skating or even their senior test, but they still compete and still have fun skating.  The Olympics are the elite of the elite and there is a very tiny percentage of skaters who even make it to that level.  Being a serious enough skater to even have a shot at the Olympics, you would have had to make that decision already and have dedicated numerous hours to skating.  If you're are able to be eligible for the Olympics in a few years like you said, you've obviously already spent plenty of time already on your triple jumps and would already have to be pretty serious.  If skating comes that easy to you, what do you have to lose by going to the Olympics?  You can always do something else afterwards like Tara Lipinski.  Or if you skate in high level competition, some skaters still continue with normal schooling, get tutors and get their education at the same time.  Some wait until they decide to stop competing.

  4. not to doubt your ability at all. but at your age, you still have a lot to learn, not just about skating but about living the skating. it will get serious, and difficult. i know that. i, there now. its going to be hard, and there will be tears and pain. but it is more than worth it when you love the sport so much. going to the olympics isnt just about how good you are either, its how much better you are than the competition. it takes a lot of training, and almost more sacrifice. it has to be your passion and deeply important to you. i have had to sacrifice hanging out with friends, extra study time, dating, vacations, and even more. i practically live at my rink, because skating is my life. if you really know you are meant to do this and there isnt a single doubt in your mind, then you are ready. im not positive you are ready, but then again i dont know you personally, but you words show me you arent 100% devoted, but you can be. it takes all you can handle, sometimes more. but you have to have that strength. a true skater can have it, you just have to let yourself. skating is a lifestyle, one i think you can handle. have fun skating, because if you have the same passion i do about our sport, that what its really all about, the love of the ice.

  5. hey, i would go 4 it!!

    i think that if u like it that much then why throw it all a way?????

    Just make sure that u still have time 4 u!!!
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