
Famous inappropriate comment/remark?

by Guest32610  |  earlier

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Hey i need 2 inappropriate remarks made by either by celebrities or political leaders. not only do i need the comment, but also i need to know what they did to fix the situation. So far i have the Don Imus nappy remark, the Mel gibson jews remark, and the Mayor Ray Nagin Chocolate city remark. Thanks, ive been looking for an hour and can't find anymore.




  1. 1. look up "Jimmy the Greek" he was a sportscaster who said something about blacks being natural athletes or something and it sounded really racist and

    2. look up Howard Cosell - he said "look at that little monkey run" about a black athlete

  2. Secretary of State, Alexander Haig, Jr., after the attempted assassination of President Ronald Reagan:

    "I'm in charge here."

  3. Dont forget about Roseann Barr and the national anthem fiasco.Where she spit afterwards....what a loser.

  4. Mission accomplished by George Bush

      We can win the war and control the borders with 35,000 troops by Donald Rumsfield

      We are winning the war by George Bush

       I am giving the largest tax cuts in the history of the world to the oil companies so that we will never be dependent on middle eastern oil again- George Bush 4 years ago.

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